twenty one

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a/n i made a super cute muke manip, i love mikeys red hair like i love you !!! :-)) i made it look kinda pink heh


oh, and dont read this chapter if youre not comfortable reading sexual content. ¯\_()_/¯


"michael?" a voice was heard outside the bathroom door, a hint of nervousness laced throughout his tone, "you've been in the bathroom for almost three hours. can you open the door?"

michael blinked, forcing his gaze off of his dull green eyes in the mirror. he tightened the towel hanging around his hips and stiffly adjusted the way he was leaning against the wall behind him since his back was beginning to hurt him.

"n-no, i on-only want brooks," michael called back, swallowing hard and watching as his adam's apple bobbed back and forth a bit, then he ripped his gaze off of his reflection. he was getting tired of looking at himself and judging every single part of him.

"he won't be home for at least another hour," the voice, which michael had come to the conclusion that it had to be calum, replied, "mike, tell me what's going on. i'm your best friend; you should be able to tell me anything."

a short silence followed, since michael was too stubborn and did not want to speak to calum. the only thing that michael wanted to do was kiss brooks so hard that he forgot all about his blue eyed boss.

"at least come out and have some dinner or something. should i order a pizza?" calum questioned, making michael wrinkle his nose a bit. he bit down on his lower lip as he shifted his gaze to the floor, wracking his brain for a response that wouldn't make calum suspicious.

"no, i-i'm good," michael replied, glancing to the door anxiously. he had been standing around in a towel but now he wanted to change into something more comfortable for him to wear, and maybe something that brooks would find sexy. michael was considering wearing panties that he had from when he used to wear women's clothing in high school before he met brooks. brooks used to like how feminine michael was, but something had changed and michael got tired of the judgemental stares.

"fine, mike, i'll check up on you in a little bit then," calum muttered, followed by a few footsteps. michael waited a bit before he opened the bathroom door hesitantly, glancing around his bedroom to ensure that calum really had left before shutting the bedroom door so he had privacy.

he licked his dry lips as he searched his closet for something to wear, finally settling on a good charlotte sweatshirt with some black leggings possibly leftover from high school. michael pulled on the sweatshirt and then put the towel away, since the sweatshirt was big enough on him to cover his dick.

then michael found a pair of panties hidden away in his underwear drawer, a simple black lace pair. michael put them on carefully and smiled a bit to himself, remembering how comfortable he felt in them in high school and why he wore panties at all.

with a light sigh michael slipped into the leggings and stepped in front of the mirror, feeling a tiny bit better about himself. then his gaze directed to his mouth and he pressed his lips together, completely forgetting about his speech therapy assignment. then again, he wasn't taking the therapy too seriously, and he was sure that luke would want to stop them once michael told him off.

but... he did want to get rid of his stutter. even just a little bit so it wasn't noticeable anymore. he had been self conscious of it his entire life, and admittedly he would love to be able to speak without a stutter.

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