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it had been a week since the wedding and everything that had happened. michael was staying at luke's apartment and had talked to calum thoroughly about everything, and although calum didn't wholeheartedly agree with michael's decisions, he was going to support his best friend. michael even arranged for calum to come visit and properly meet luke so calum wouldn't have doubts about the blonde anymore.

during those seven days, michael and luke spent the majority of it staying in and watching movies on netflix whilst cuddling. luke claimed that they had a lot of time to catch up on, so he never wanted michael to leave his sight. at times he was really clingy, but michael didn't mind since he knew it was just because they hadn't seen each other in weeks and this was luke's way of making up for lost time. additionally, they had made their relationship official when luke asked michael to be his boyfriend recently.

"you smell so good," luke murmured with his face buried against michael's neck. he was basically laying on top of michael, his tummy against michael's, with their feet tangled up as michael attempted to focus on the movie playing on the tv ahead of him, but how could michael possibly focus with someone as attractive as luke giving him so much attention?

"th-thank you," michael blushed a bit as he combed his fingers through luke's messy dark blonde hair, making luke sigh contently since luke loved when his hair was played with and michael knew that for a fact.

"you're so beautiful," luke sighed again, lifting his head a bit so that he could sneak a peek up at michael's face and press a kiss to michael's jawline. the shorter boy contained a smile as luke kissed his way up to michael's lips, their lips lingering on each other's for a while.

"an-and you're so clingy," michael pointed out, pulling his head back so that he could meet luke's bright blue eyes. the blonde pouted and pulled one of his hands out from underneath the blanket that was covering them to cup one side of michael's face, his thumb running along michael's plump lower lip.

"but so are you, so we cancel each other out," luke said with a shrug, his eyes set on michael's lips as he kept his thumb on his bottom lip.

"shh, i-i'm trying to watch c-clueless," michael giggled, placing his hand over luke's against the side of his face and intertwining their fingers. luke pulled his hand away from michael's face and properly held michael's smaller hand as he shifted back next to michael, their hands joined and luke's arm wrapped around michael's waist.

michael absentmindedly pulled the warm, fuzzy blanket up to his collarbones, which caused luke's leg to be exposed from underneath the blanket. the blonde playfully glared at his boyfriend before sliding his leg under the blanket, having to scoot closer to michael on the couch considering the small size of the blanket.

"ew, this is incest, isn't it?" luke said with a wrinkle of his nose, holding michael closer to the warmth of his body. michael brushed his thumb over the back of luke's hand as he rested his head against luke's shoulder, his green eyes glued to the tv screen.

"n-no, not really, h-he's her ex-stepbrother," michael briefly explained, silently sighing with content because josh and cher were the perfect couple, and it was amusing how they'd known each other for the majority of their lives and never thought that they would end up liking each other.

"hey, mikey," luke said, poking michael's side to earn michael's attention. the black haired glanced over to his boyfriend, a curious look appearing on his features.


"tell me i'm a screwed up mess," luke hummed loudly, "that i never listen, listen," michael groaned since luke had been singing this song for about two days now, but didn't stop his boyfriend from continuing because luke had an amazing voice, "tell me you don't want my kiss, that you need your distance, distance."

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