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a/n my beautiful view today (3.28.16) to the side/top :')


it had been two months since luke and michael moved to amsterdam, and neither had gotten enough of the beautiful scenery yet. the duo had been the biggest tourists ever since their first couple of weeks in, then they realised that the natives didn't exactly like tourists, so they tried harder to blend in.

they found a cozy little apartment just perfect for two people, and it was right down the street from where luke had gotten a job at a small paper company. he was only a salesman, but he wanted to work his way up to an accountant since they got the better pay. this paper company did worldwide shipping while luke's father's company didn't, so luke was hoping to make this company bigger to put flyer's out of business.

meanwhile, michael was still searching for a job, and not many places wanted to hire someone to pick up their phones who had a speech impediment. so before each of his interviews, michael would practice every single letter until he could pronounce it correctly. his stutter wasn't as noticeable anymore, thanks to his hard work, and he managed to snatch a job at a radio station where he could pick up the phone for all of the incoming callers and see if they were the hundredth caller, which was fortunately in the same building as luke's job.

calum and ashton skyped and facetimed luke and michael every chance they got, which was every night. their relationship was going extremely well, and they talked constantly about how they took turns topping each other until they finally figured out that ashton was better as a top, and michael began laughing because calum said he couldn't ever see himself as a bottom. calum just got all sheepish and they said they had to end the skype call.

luke and michael hadn't made love since the time brooks had passed away. they figured it would be best if they waited until marriage, if they got married, just to make sure that the next person they did it with would be the last.

michael kept a journal and wrote entries to brooks every chance he got. he wrote about how much he missed him and how he wished they had said a proper goodbye, then he talked about his life and how happy he was now, and that was what brooks would have wanted. michael did miss brooks a lot, even if he did carry out their relationship when he didn't have feelings for brooks. he still did love him as a friend.

"hey, princess, can you meet me in that cute little record store near our apartment?" luke asked when michael picked up his cell phone, not even giving michael a chance to say hello, "there's a record i wanna get that we can hang up on that bare wall in the kitchen, but i wanna make sure you like the band before we get it."

"can't you just t-tell me the band's n-name?" michael said with a yawn, rubbing one of his green eyes tiredly. he had today off from work, just because the radio people had some event planned in america so they had to take a few days off work.

"i could, but i could also show you," luke laughed, making michael smile faintly as he sleepily sat up in their shared bed, "so, you're coming, right?"

"if i must," michael fought back another yawn as he stretched, then he glanced shortly at the time and added, "i-i'll see you in two minutes, an-and i love you."

"i love you, too, princess," luke replied softly before michael pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up. he glanced down at his attire, giggling a bit because he was wearing a pair of luke's boxers and a shirt of luke's. it wasn't even like he tried to purposely wear all of luke's clothes, but when they shared a closet, it was hard to tell whose clothes were whose. well, that was a lie actually, because michael's clothes were more feminine while luke's were more masculine.

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