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a comfortable silence had settled in between michael and luke as the two sat in luke's car outside of the flyer's company building, both boys trying to sort out their many, confusing thoughts. michael had just finished his speech therapy and was assigned the task of practicing saying each letter in the mirror to himself or someone else until he got each letter's sound out correctly. to most people they would consider that easy, but michael was getting anxious just thinking about it.

the car radio was playing a melanie martinez song faintly, too soft for michael to pick out the lyrics from the music. out of the corner of his eye he noticed luke softly drumming his fingers to the rhythm against the steering wheel, his fingers still curled around the wheel although the car wasn't moving since he was parked in front of flyer's.

it was dark outside and michael could still hear the light crunch of hail against the car occasionally. he was wearing luke's jacket, and it was sort of swimming on him like luke suspected it would. michael loved how comfortable and cozy he was in it and wished that he could just keep it for himself, especially since it smelled like luke.

michael found himself gazing over at luke, admiring each and every one of his qualities. he adored the way luke's cobalt coloured eyes took in every detail and processed them over in his mind. he loved the way luke had been wearing his blonde hair slightly messy lately instead of keeping it up in a quiff, and he found it so cute how luke had that lip piercing. he thought it was funny how they were kind of matching with his eyebrow piercing and luke's lip piercing.

luke glanced over at michael, rolling his head lazily and grinning at the black haired boy. "what're you looking at?" luke questioned with a playful glint in his blue eyes, which looked almost grey in the dark lighting.

"you," michael said simply, giving luke a somewhat shy smile, "y-you're just so br-breathtaking."

"i think you beat me there, princess," luke murmured with a smile, leaning over the console and gripping michael's chin to turn his head so that their lips could meet. michael closed his green eyes blissfully as luke gained dominance in the kiss, reaching over with his other hand to delicately cup one side of michael's face to deepen the kiss. michael kept his hands on the console, not really sure where to put them since he didn't want to seem awkward.

"i don't want to let you go," luke whispered, pulling away from michael's lips and opening his eyes to glance between michael's, "and have you run to him. i just know that you're gonna get in your car, drive home to him and he's gonna go to kiss you, and that pisses me off so much."

"luke, h-he's my fiancé, n-not you," michael spoke quietly, hating the words that came out of his mouth because they were true. he liked pretending in his mind that he and brooks weren't engaged and that he and luke were actually in a relationship. it made him happy thinking that he and luke had a future together.

"i know that, babe," luke replied, glancing down at his lap before meeting michael's eyes again, "but sometimes i just wish there weren't any obstacles keeping us from being together, you know? but i understand that we're just some affair within the office."

"you're n-not just s-some affair to me," michael argued softly, reaching up to take luke's hand off his cheek and instead entwine their fingers slowly, watching as luke rested their joined hands on the console between them. luke pressed his lips together and gave michael a sad look.

"but that's all we'll ever be, because you're getting married and i'm your boss," luke whispered, reaching over with his unoccupied hand to grasp michael's chin delicately and run his thumb along michael's plump lower lip. the black haired boy kept his gaze locked on luke's eyes while luke was watching the way his thumb gently glided over michael's slightly swollen lip, swollen from when they had been kissing earlier.

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