twenty five

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michael woke up with the feeling that he was being watched, and he also woke up with a huge hangover. he slowly brought one hand up to his pounding forehead before glancing around at his surroundings, finding that he was in his own bedroom. he turned over, the covers tightening around his body before he was faced with brooks, who was lying next to him in their bed.

"hey, sleeping beauty," brooks murmured, reaching over to cup one side of michael's face and brush some pieces of hair out of his beautiful face, "you, my friend, are in a lot of trouble for drinking last night."

"wh-what happened?" michael asked quietly, quickly glancing down at his body. he was relieved to see that he was still dressed in the same thing he had worn last night, because the last time he woke up and didn't remember anything, he had slept with someone when he didn't want to.

"you got a drink when i told you not to, and you asked that girl who was with your boss to spike your drink," brooks hummed, running his thumb along the soft skin below one of michael's vibrant green eyes, "do you seriously not remember a thing?"

"n-no, i don't remember a-asking her to spike m-my drink or anything th-that happened," michael replied, furrowing his eyebrows a bit before he closed his eyes frustratedly, wishing that he remembered what had happened. he knew that he was desperate for a drink, but he didn't think that he would have asked someone to spike his drink.

"do you want an advil? i'm sure you have a hell of a hangover," brooks commented, sitting up and swinging his legs over the mattress so that he could reach for the convenient advil pills on the nightstand.

michael nodded and struggled to sit up as brooks handed him the pill with a small smile. michael did not have a drink to down the pill with, so he had to take it dry and winced at the way it felt against the sides of his throat. he must have drank so much alcohol the night before that it burned the sides of his throat.

"i told you not to drink anything," brooks said in an almost strained voice, glancing over at michael, "i don't want to fall back into your old habits when you couldn't quit drowning in alcohol every damn night."

"i-i'm sorry," michael murmured, rubbing the back of his neck unenthusiastically, "sometimes i guess i-i'll just do anything to h-have a drink and m-make me forget about reality for a b-bit."

"sorry won't cut it, baby," brooks said as he stood up and walked over to michael's side of the mattress, taking a seat next to the black haired boy and placing his hands around michael's cute waist, "promise me you won't do it again?"

"yeah, i promise i'll try not to," michael whispered, flickering his gaze between brooks' light blue eyes. brooks frowned and opened his mouth to say something, but then their bedroom door behind them was opening.

"hey, i need some triple a batteries— sorry, am i interrupting something?" michael easily recognised calum's voice.

"no, i-i'll meet you downstairs," michael quickly said as brooks rolled his eyes and moved away from michael. calum frowned as he witnessed brooks doing that, and the black haired boy embarrassedly stood up and exchanged a look with brooks before he walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs, seeing calum standing by the island counter with the tv remote in one hand, a handful of pretzels in the other, and a mouth full of pretzels.

"what was i interrupting up there?" calum questioned as michael approached him, but the black haired boy just shook his head and rubbed his green eyes in an attempt to keep tears from falling.

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