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a/n thANK you so so much for 1k reads wow thats a shit load of ppl and i love all of u

dedicated to noextrai bc i am honestly so starstruck by you, i cannot believe that you read this story ++ follow me considering youre one of my favourite writers on here and you kinda inspired me to start writing this book, i love you a lot and just wow the fact that you read my lame ass story means a lot to me so yeah thank you :-)


as luke and michael sloppily walked into luke's big office, luke slammed the door shut and made sure to lock it before turning on michael, seductively pressing his body against michael's and pushing michael back against his desk, luke leaning forward to push some papers out of the way before he attached his lips to michael's.

"we keep this between us, babe, got it?" luke murmured against michael's lips as he ran his hands down michael's torso and began unbuttoning michael's black dress pants. michael wordlessly nodded, too much out of breath from excitement to say anything, and watched as luke pulled down his pants and boxers to michael's ankles before reattaching their lips.

michael was confused as to why luke took off michael's pants and then just resumed kissing him, but the shorter boy didn't question it. he tentatively reached for luke's hips, squeezing the older man's hipbones before beginning to unbutton luke's dress pants, hoping to speed up the process.

"no," luke said sternly, taking michael's hands away from his pants, "sorry, kitten, but i'm not having sex with you. not today, at least."

"wh-why not?" michael pouted, pulling away from luke's lips to ensure that the blonde saw michael's pout. luke sighed and ran some fingers through his hair, giving michael a slightly annoyed look.

"look, this is the first time i'm hooking up with a guy. i just kinda want to take it slow, you know?" luke murmured, hovering his lips over michael's jaw, "so just relax and let me do my thing, okay? i'll let you know if i want you to give me a blowjob or handjob, but right now i want to pleasure you."

"o-okay," michael whispered, bringing his chin up so that luke had more access to michael's neck. luke began to leave cute little kisses all over michael's jaw and neck, making sure not to leave out a single inch of skin. then michael discovered that luke was trying to find his sweet spot, which got him more excited.

"found it, babe," luke mumbled once michael twitched when luke roughly kissed the part behind his left ear where that bone stuck out. luke then proceeded to kiss and nip at the skin there, his hands loosely holding michael's hips and teasing michael by brushing his fingers against his length every other second. it was driving michael crazy.

"wh-what are y-you gonna do now- f-fuck," michael moaned accidentally as luke bent to his knees and kitten-licked the tip of michael's length. luke smirked to himself and did that again before he took the tip in his mouth, softly grinding his teeth against the sensitive skin. michael weaved his fingers through luke's hair, tugging softly on his roots.

then they heard a knock on the door from outside and a "mr hemmings, i have those files you asked for!" at the voice both boys froze, but luke got over it before michael did and pulled michael's tip out of his mouth, pulling the shorter boy's boxers back up and bringing his face back up to michael's.

"go away, kelly, i'm busy," luke called out before he reattached his and michael's lips, sliding his tongue into michael's mouth with ease and holding the black haired boy's waist tightly.

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