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a/n ivory tower means a state of privileged seclusion or separation from the facts and practicalities of the real world, just so you dont get confused bc i did use that word in a simile!!! :-)

also am i the only one who thought of this fanfic when ceo luke popped up at the end of the hey everybody video like srsly !!!!!!

comment yr birthday and try to find a birthday twin :DD my birthdays may 17 !


at first michael was going to call luke on the office phone and ask to leave early, but then he decided that it would probably be better to ask him in person. so that was how he ended up in front of luke's office door, pacing back and forth as he tried to gather his thoughts and the words he was going to use. kelly wasn't at her desk so he didn't have to worry about her being nosy and asking michael what he was doing.

after mustering up all of the courage he could find within his body, he reached out to knock on the door but paused when he heard someone talking who wasn't luke inside luke's office. tentatively, the short black haired boy pressed his ear up against the wooden door to figure out who it was.

"i think it'll all work out, luke," a most likely australian voice spoke, followed by a short silence. michael then heard a sigh, probably from luke, and a shuffle of papers.

"i fucking hope so, ash, i'm under so much pressure," luke responded, along with more shuffling of papers. michael furrowed his eyebrows and tried harder to listen in.

"your dad will kick that other company's ass in court," the other voice reassured, "there's honestly no doubt in my mind that he won't. i know your father and i think he's capable of pretty much anything."

"he sure as hell is," michael heard luke sniffle after a pause between them, and then luke added, "thank you so much ash, you're truly an angel. i don't think i could do any of this if it wasn't for you."

"th-the first time i-i'm hooking up with a g-guy, my ass," michael murmured under his breath, reciting luke's words to him when michael questioned why he didn't want to have sex with michael. michael loudly rapped his knuckles against the door before he opened the door, seeing ashton, his coworker, sitting in one of the chairs across from luke.

in all honestly, michael was expecting luke to be all over ashton, but seeing them just having a normal conversation between boss and employee relaxed michael, knowing that they weren't having sex.

"michael," luke addressed formally, glancing from ashton to michael who was standing awkwardly by the door, "something i can help you with?"

"y-yes, something i-i'd like to t-talk to you about in private," michael whispered, averting his green eyes away from ashton when the wavy haired boy turned to glance at michael. michael was still well-aware of the embarrassing thing he had said to ashton earlier during their lunch break and wasn't ready to face ashton just yet.

"alright, ash, we'll talk more later," luke said to ashton, which was his cue to leave. ashton slowly got up, glancing between luke and michael before he quietly left the office, leaving the two alone.

"what is it, michael?" luke asked, standing up from his chair and placing both palms on his desk, leaning over his desk a bit. michael wrung his hands together and pressed his lips together.

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