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"c-can you get out now, brooksy, i-i need to change," michael pouted at his stubborn boyfriend sitting on the bed they shared. brooks shook his head with a devilish grin on his face, swinging his legs back and forth as michael took his tie off.

"you can strip in front of me," brooks said innocently, raising his eyebrows when michael gave him an exasperated look. brooks knew very well how insecure michael was of his body, and he hated for other people to see it because he didn't want them to judge him. although, brooks had stated over and over that he would never judge his mikey.

"at least wear my hoodie, then i'll leave," brooks suggested, standing up and going over to the closet. michael nodded in agreement before he took his belt off, turning to place it in one of the drawers before glancing back around to find brooks holding up michael's favourite hoodie of his.

"i love that hoodie!" michael squealed, running up to brooks and giving him a huge hug. brooks laughed and supported michael's legs, propping him up so brooks was carrying michael like a little kid.

"i know, baby, that's why i'm letting you wear it," brooks leaned in and kissed michael's lips softly before putting him down. michael beamed with excitement and grabbed the hoodie from brooks, admiring the front pocket on the front of the hoodie before turning it over to see the numbers "92" on the back, indicating that brooks was born in 1992.

michael was obsessed with this hoodie since it smelled exactly like brooks and because it was so oversized on him, especially the sleeves and torso. he loved oversized things so he was in love with this.

"thank you, i love you!" michael giggled before pointing to the door, "you can get out n-now so i can get changed."

"alright, my feisty mikey," brooks teased, leaning in to kiss michael's nose before he finally left the room. michael sighed silently with the sudden privacy, embracing it before he quickly changed into the oversized hoodie. he was wearing nothing underneath except for his boxers as he looked around in his closet trying to find the pair of really ripped black jeans he owned. the hoodie came down mid-thigh so michael wanted a pair of ripped jeans. he thought it would look better with his outfit.

he finally found the pair that he adored and pulled them on, admiring the rips in the mirror before he left the bedroom, going back downstairs and seeing brooks pulling his coat on as he texted someone, most likely one of his friends they were going to meet. brooks glanced up when he heard michael and smiled warmly, reaching for michael's hand and swinging their hands back and forth as the two left their apartment.

michael considered stopping at calum's apartment to say hello since calum lived right across from michael's apartment with his fiancé, but at the same time brooks was in a rush and michael didn't want to slow them down. michael assumed that they were late so they walked faster.

the two boys got in brooks' car, brooks being the one to drive. michael leaned over to put the keys in since brooks was busily texting his friends, and brooks pressed a short kiss to michael's temple as michael leaned back. he gave brooks a small smile and adjusted the air vents.

"g-gimme your phone," michael instructed, holding his hand out. brooks glanced from his phone to michael's serious expression, and brooks sighed. brooks had a habit to text and drive, something that michael hated. so, michael took brooks' phone whenever they drove together so brooks couldn't text and drive.

"only because my little mikey looks extra adorable today," brooks gave in, handing michael his phone. michael grinned triumphantly as brooks began driving.

they listened to the local alternative rock station as brooks drove. michael hummed along to guns and roses and looked down at brooks' phone when the screen lit up. brooks was in a group chat with his friends, and one of them had asked brooks if michael was coming.

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