twenty nine

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michael had always thought that the prettiest sight he'd ever seen was the sunset he had seen with brooks for their one year anniversary, but he was proven wrong when he went outside to the parking lot.

luke was leaning himself against his sleek black car, his phone in his hand and eyebrows furrowed the slightest. the morning sun was shining down on him, giving michael the perfect light to be able to see the perfectly created man ahead of him. michael had said it before and he'd say it again: michael thought he was absolutely, irresistibly perfect.

the boss glanced up as michael approached him and adjusted his stance so that he wasn't leaning against his car anymore. he slid his phone in his pocket and gave michael a small, closed-mouthed smile as the black haired boy just stared at him and admired him.

"h-hi," michael whispered, stopping once he was about a ruler's length away from luke. michael didn't know what to say or do first; he knew he wanted to address the fact that luke had completely ignored michael the past few weeks, but he also wanted to attack luke with kisses all over his face.

"hi, michael," luke said with a small sigh, and god did michael miss the way luke said his name so smoothly from his tongue, "i really hope you're not mad at me or anything for what i just did."

"m-mad?" michael repeated, his eyebrows furrowing with genuine confusion as to why luke thought that his reaction would be angry, "i-i'm not mad, more like gr-grateful that you k-kept me from m-marrying him."

"thank god," luke said as he exhaled breathily, "i... i don't know why, but i felt like you were going to be pissed. but i couldn't just sit there and watch you marry him when there's so much more between us than there is between you and him."

"luke, i-i love you," michael said with a small duck of his head sheepishly, "i-i shouldn't have gone th-through with the m-marriage when i-i was in love w-with someone else, but i felt like i-i owed it to brooks t-to marry him, you kn-know? he did so m-much for me and h-he loves me—"

"shh, babes, let's not talk about him right now," luke murmured, stepping closer to michael and softly taking hold of michael's hands in an impassioned gesture, entwining their fingers perfectly, "this is about you and me, two people who love each other, okay?"

"okay," michael whispered, his green eyes fluttering shut as he felt luke's breath fan out across his face. luke continued to gradually close the distance between them and then vehemently captured michael's lips with his own, making michael let go of luke's hands to entwine his own fingers at the back of luke's neck as he kissed the taller man back.

luke turned them around so that michael's back was to luke's car and kept his hands gently on michael's waist. he didn't force his tongue into michael's mouth to show dominance or anything; he just let his lips move against michael's in a heartfelt kiss.

their lips worked against each other's perfectly, with more than just sexual attraction in between their lips. luke was pouring his affection for michael through the kiss and michael could definitely feel the difference between kissing luke and kissing brooks, since he only felt sexual desire whenever he kissed brooks.

"luke?" michael whispered, pulling away from luke's lips and pulling the taller boy into a tight hug to bury his face into luke's suit, "wh-what did you mean when y-you said th-that i k-kept you strong an-and alive?"

"well, it's what i tried to tell you that one day in the office, but you never gave me a chance to," luke hesitated, his strong arms wrapping around michael's small frame, "um, michael, i'm clinically depressed and, erm, this is hard to say since i've never told anyone except for ashton, but... i self harm."

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