thirty six

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"babe, are you ready?" luke asked, his concerned blue eyes scanning over his boyfriend. michael blinked and glanced over to the blonde, seeming a bit surprised to see luke after his imagination got the best of him.

"yeah, i-i'll be right out," michael promised, leaning across the console to press a long kiss to luke's dark pink lips. his boyfriend deepened the kiss briefly, running a hand down michael's side before he pulled away reluctantly and flickered his blue eyes between michael's bright green ones.

michael took a quick breath before he got out of the car and walked up to the building he once saw as intimidating but gradually found it a sweet escape since luke was there. now, both of them were completely cut off from this company and michael wasn't complaining, because he thought that he and luke deserved somewhere better.

there wasn't any receptionist on the first floor where michael used to work, so he quickly made his way to the empty elevator and pressed the floor button where he knew alex worked. he just hoped that he wouldn't run into anyone on his way up, because he assumed that it could be awkward between him and some of his ex-coworkers.

"michael?" alex asked confusedly when he saw michael approaching his desk. luckily, there wasn't really anyone else around so michael could efficiently get alex to leave him alone with his computer. thinking back on their little plot, michael felt bad because he wasn't going to be telling the truth to his friend, but if this was what luke wanted, then michael would do it.

"h-hey, hope you d-don't mind my s-surprise visit?" michael said with an innocent grin, moving around alex's desk to catch a glimpse of his friend's computer. alex had been on the company's website before he minimised it and stood up to engulf michael in a hug.

"of course i don't, but mr hemmings made it clear that he didn't want any ex-workers paying any visits, including your boyfriend," alex chuckled as he sat back down in his office chair, "which is so weird, because luke isn't really smart enough to do anything vicious."

"well, i-i didn't tell luke th-that i was here," michael lied, rubbing the back of his neck and offering alex a tiny smile.

"do you want me to grab you a cup of coffee, since i finally know how you like it?" alex asked, standing back up as he gave michael a questioning glance. the black haired boy just nodded to give his permission before alex began walking towards the elevator, and the second he was out of sight, michael sat down in alex's office chair.

michael quickly grasped the computer's black mouse and logged onto the company's website, since alex was an editor of the website and had the username and password to it written down on a yellow sticky note stuck to his desk. he quickly glanced over the webpage before going to where it said 'contacts' in the top right corner.

"something you're trying to accomplish, mr clifford?" a deep voice behind michael made him freeze his movements and timidly glance over his shoulder to see alex standing behind luke's father, a sorry look on alex's features and a neutral look on luke's father's face.

"j-just, um, v-visiting my f-friend—"

"save it, mr clifford," mr hemmings said with a sigh, rubbing his temples briefly before he brought his hand down on michael's shoulder. the black haired boy froze upon feeling the hand that was used to hurt luke touch his shoulder, and he felt his breathing rapidly speed up.

"i-i'm so s-sorry," michael tried to apologise as he stood up from alex's chair, not even glancing in alex's direction as mr hemmings led him towards the elevator. michael had to admit, he was a bit scared to be in an elevator with someone who had hurt his boyfriend and was against his relationship with luke, but it wasn't like he could suggest taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

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