thirty two

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a/n ; smut warning !!!! and ok hickeys on thighs are my weakness dont mind me


michael gripped the front of luke's black flannel and led him into their dimly lit bedroom, walking backwards so that he could keep making eye contact with the blonde. luke shut the door behind them and closed the space between them as the back of michael's legs hit the mattress gently, their eyes closing as their lips worked against each other's.

luke cupped michael's face as the black haired boy sat down on the bed they shared, carefully as to not break off their ardor kiss. michael's hands went to begin unbuttoning luke's grey and black flannel, feeling a small breeze on his exposed thighs as luke pulled away to push the flannel from his body.

michael briefly admired luke's toned upper torso, running his hands over his boyfriend's perfect body before attaching their lips again. michael loved the way luke's lip ring was an active part of the way they kissed, and he loved the way luke poured his feelings into any kiss he shared with michael. it made michael feel loved and happy.

"god, you're so amazing," luke murmured softly against michael's lips before fiddling with the material of michael's oversized shirt as if saying he wanted it off. michael's body had never really been on full display for anyone, not even brooks, so he was nervous to do so. but in the end he decided to take off his shirt, because if luke was trusting him with his own body, then michael would do the same with luke. michael was left exposed with a full heart; without his shirt he was just wearing lace black panties.

luke noticeably swallowed before he began to fiddle with the button on his black skinnies, hesitating to take them off. michael placed his hands on luke's smooth, broad shoulders and gave him a comforting look.

"y-you don't have to sh-show me your sc-scars if you d-don't want to," michael whispered since he knew how insecure luke was about his scars. the scars on his arms were nearly faded by now, and not half as bad as the ones on his thighs and hips.

"i promised you that i'd be a good distraction, mikey," luke replied, cupping one side of michael's face and having the shorter boy lean his face into the palm of luke's hand, "i can't do that if i'm not naked."

luke took a step back and took about two minutes to shimmy out of his skinny jeans, since they were so tight on him that they almost looked like they were painted on his nicely defined legs. michael's lips parted upon seeing a few red lines just below luke's dark grey boxers, and he pressed his lips together as luke took off his boxers agonisingly slow.

there were too many scars on luke's thighs and hips for michael to count.

and michael was planning on kissing each and every one of them.

without a word, michael stood up from the bed and got down on both knees, letting his hands rest on the sides of luke's thighs where there were no scars. the black haired boy tenderly began to kiss soft kisses to every cut made on luke's thighs and hips until his lips hurt from puckering them so much.

"come here," luke whispered after michael thought that he had kissed each scar. the blonde bent down to place his hands on michael's waist and pull the black haired boy up with him so that they were both standing, and luke flickered his gaze between michael's green eyes before leaning in quietly and closing the space between their lips.

at first the kiss was slow and sweet, but after a little bit, their hands began to roam each other's bodies and their tongues became involved. luke pushed his naked body up against michael's until the black haired boy was on his back laying on the mattress and luke was hovering over him, their lips still working against each other's.

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