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michaels cute lil outfit to the side/top xx

whats the last song you guys listened to?? ((im probably gonna go listen to what you guys say bc i wanna listen to some new music)) mine was only love (acoustic) by pvris :-))


michael woke up with a body pressed tightly against his own, startling him since the last time he had woken up like this, he had had drunken sex. he felt his body twitch uncomfortably and he glanced over, a relieved feeling rushing over him when he saw it was only brooks and they were still clothed.

"'morning, michael," brooks murmured in a husky voice, lazily draping an arm over michael's body. michael tensed up and knew that brooks noticed it, but lucky for michael he simply ignored it.

"g-good morning," michael replied softly, closing his eyes again in hopes of squeezing in another few minutes of sleep. but then he felt brooks grip his chin and turn his face toward his own to press their lips together.

michael halfheartedly kissed him back but there weren't any emotions in between their lips like there was when luke kissed michael. there was only a lustful feeling, and michael was beginning to despise that feeling.

"can we go to the mall or someplace like that today?" brooks murmured against michael's lips, one of his hands coming up to run his thumb along michael's cheek, "we haven't gone out together in, like, forever."

"i-i don't know—"

"c'mon, babe, please," brooks whined, but michael was still unsure, so brooks tore away from their kiss and wrapped his arms around michael's waist from the back, pulling the black haired boy out of their bed and adjusting his grip on michael to bridal style as he gave michael puppy dog eyes.

before michael began to see luke, he would have thought this was adorable, but now he was just annoyed because he wanted to sleep some more.

"p-put me down, b-brooks," michael complained, glancing down at the carpeted floor when he realised that he had stuttered brooks' name. he hadn't really stuttered the word brooks since they first met, and brooks certainly noticed it.

"hey, you stuttered my name," brooks frowned and gently set michael down on the bed, placing his hands on michael's knees as he bent down and forced michael's thighs apart so that he could kneel down in between the black haired boy's bare thighs. visions of hadley doing the same when they had a one night stand flashed in michael's mind, making him twitch.

"i-i guess i-it's because i-i'm st-stressed out," michael stuttered out, feeling uncomfortable with brooks staring at him like that. in hopes of ending the conversation, michael leaned in to kiss brooks with his lips parted, practically inviting brooks to shove his tongue down his throat. brooks kissed michael back almost instantly, his hands running up and down michael's milky white thighs.

"c-calum crashed here last n-night, i'm gonna g-go check up on him," michael said as he pulled away, meeting brooks' light blue eyes for a spilt second before he got up and inched away from brooks. the dark haired boy just shrugged and sat down on the bed, reaching for his phone as he did so.

michael left the bedroom, going inside the bathroom and shutting the door softly behind him. he quickly used the toilet and washed his hands, trying his hardest to avoid his gaze in the mirror. once he finished up in there, he exited and went downstairs, spotting calum still asleep on the couch. michael smiled a bit to himself and then stood in front of the couch as he tried to figure out a way to wake him up.

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