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"mikey," a finger poked michael's side, making michael groan and throw his hand over his face in hopes that the voice would go away. "babe, i need you to get up, please." michael opened his eyes carefully and spotted brooks in front of him, noticing the clock behind brooks. it was seven thirty am.

"i-i don't wanna get up," michael complained, giving brooks puppy dog eyes. brooks only laughed and placed his hand on michael's leg, the covers the only thing between their skin.

"please? i need you to be my motivation to workout, and then we need to take that shower together you promised me last night," brooks explained, running some fingers through his messy dark brown hair. michael groaned before he slowly sat up, rubbing his tired green eyes.

"what do i have to do?" michael asked, his words threading together in his sleepy tone of voice. he really wanted to just go back to sleep, but he had to face it. he would have to get up this early since he had work now.

"lay down on the floor," brooks pointed to the floor. he noticed michael's confused look and quickly added, "i want you to be under me when i'm doing push-ups. it'll help me a lot, please, mikey?"

"okay," michael yawned, rubbing his eyes again. he knew that he'd have to grab a cup of coffee before he went to work. he couldn't walk into the office this tired and lazy, considering that usually he woke up at noon.

michael laid down on the floor, letting out another yawn before brooks propped himself up over michael with his fists and feet. brooks gave michael a smile before he started his push-ups, their faces close until brooks pushed himself up. when their faces got close again, michael leaned up to kiss brooks, thinking it would be romantic and cute. but brooks pulled away to continue his push-ups and michael pouted up at his boyfriend.

"y-you don't even n-need to work out," michael complained, "you al-already have biceps a-and a flat tummy. m-maybe i should work out."

"you're already perfect the way you are, mike," brooks responded absentmindedly, focusing more on his workout than michael's words. michael frowned and looked down at his body, wrinkling his nose at the sight.

"n-no, i-i'm not. i d-don't have a fl-flat tummy, brooks, and i don't have bi-biceps, either," michael pressed his lips together before he added, "w-what do you even see in m-me, brooksy? y-you could do s-so much better than me."

"you're perfect in my eyes and you don't ever need to change a thing about yourself," brooks promised, leaning down to kiss michael delicately before continuing his push-ups, adding a simple, "you are all that i ever want and all that i ever need, okay, baby?"

"i-i love you," michael murmured. when their faces got closer again, michael pressed his lips against brooks'. this time, brooks deepened the kiss instead of pulling away. they kissed for a fair amount of time before brooks got up and declared that he was gonna go shower, completely forgetting about their plans of showering together. michael let him, considering he didn't like people seeing his body and if brooks really wanted it, he would have said something.

the couple had only made love --michael hated to call it having sex, so he insisted on calling it making love-- twice in the three years that they've been dating. one time was on their second date together: they had gone to a diner together and then brooks' house. michael didn't want it to be a quickie, but he was a naïve seventeen year old and they did it in brooks' kitchen.

the second time was last year at a wedding they attended together. michael remembered sitting at a table with brooks, both boys looking over at the groom and bride. brooks had squeezed michael's hand and told him that he wanted to have a wedding similar to that one with michael, and michael was convinced that he was in love with brooks. so, michael pulled brooks into the bathroom and they made love right there.

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