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a/n hey cuties, i published another fanfic, lol ofc its another muke book !!!!!!! so go check it out, its called 'revenge' and its on my profile :')



michael's least favourite days used to be tuesdays back when he attended high school, mostly because each day had a purpose except for tuesday. monday was the day you had to come back to school from the weekend, wednesday was early release, thursday was all hyped up because it was a day until friday, and then friday was finally the weekend. but there was nothing to look forward to about tuesdays.

but now michael's least favourite days had to be monday, because he had to go back to work and face two people he really did not want to see anymore. those two people would permanently be reminders that michael almost ruined his relationship with brooks, and michael really wanted to put all of that behind him.

"you look so incredibly handsome and fuckable in your cute little suit," brooks hummed from behind michael. the black haired boy ignored the latter comment and beamed at the word handsome, adjusting his tie carefully in the mirror before he turned to face brooks.

"th-thank you, i-i like your new h-hairstyle," michael said shyly, gesturing toward brooks' dark brown hair. his fiancé gave him a confused look.

"what new hairstyle? i don't have a new hairstyle," brooks replied, obviously confused.

"th-this new hairstyle," michael murmured before he ran his fingers through his fiancé's dark hair, making it messy and giving him a somewhat bedhead look. brooks playfully grasped both of michael's wrists and pulled his fingers away from his hair, placing his hands at the back of brooks' neck instead while brooks kissed michael dominantly.

michael instantly kissed brooks back, feeling a tongue slide into his mouth and making him moan against brooks' moving lips. god, kissing brooks was michael's favourite thing to do.

for some reason michael thought back to the kiss he had with luke and quickly pulled away from brooks, opening his green eyes with fear clear inside. before brooks could notice, michael turned back around toward the mirror and pretended to adjust his tie again, while in reality he tried to calm himself down.

"we better g-get going, brooksy," michael pointed out, glancing at the time quickly, "d-don't wanna be late, right?"

"alright, babe, let's go," brooks murmured, pressing a soft kiss to michael's temple before he walked out of their bedroom, going downstairs. michael inhaled and glanced at his reflection one more time, not liking the person who stared back at him. the person in the mirror had a really soft, noticeable tummy and bags under his dull green eyes. he was also a fucking cheater and a slut who didn't deserve his fiancé.

"f-fuck," michael whispered, shoving his knuckles against his light pink lips in an attempt to keep himself from sobbing out. he tried to take steady breaths, in and out, in and out, he repeated.

michael was beginning to hate himself.


"hey, mikey," alex greeted his black haired coworker as he stapled a bunch of papers together, giving michael a lopsided grin. michael just faked a smile in his direction and anxiously tapped his feet under the desk, feeling like he was about to have an anxiety attack.

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