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a/n comment yr names :-) im lex, short 4 alexa !!!!

also i got tickets for slfl and im an unstable piece of shit

dedicated to one of my many favs on here, majestic-muke i love you even tho weve only been talking for a lil bit :-)


michael got up at approximately seven opposed to seven thirty like he would normally. he made sure not to wake up brooks as he slid out of their bed and tippy-toed out of their bedroom, down the stairs, and into the kitchen where he searched the pantry and fridge for something to eat. his tummy had been growling all night and he hadn't gotten much sleep, so he was in desperate need of food. he did want to cut back on the food in order to lose some weight, but he knew that starving himself wasn't right.

he pulled out a slice of whole wheat bread, not knowing what else to eat. once he finished, he gulped down a glass of water then went back up to the bedroom, smiling slightly at the sight of brooks sprawled out across their bed. michael went to his closet to pick out his work outfit, which was basically a dress shirt with a tie and dress pants he had borrowed from calum a long time ago and forgot to return.

then he went into the bathroom, shutting the door softly and changing out of his pyjamas and into the work clothes. for a while he stood in front of the mirror, looking at the hickey brooks had left him on his collarbone and wondering if he should wear a turtleneck or not. at the end he decided not to, seeing that the dress shirt covered his collarbone quite nicely.

"michael?" a sleepy voice slurred, making michael open the bathroom door a bit to see if brooks was wondering where he was. the blue-eyed boy was laying in bed with a tan arm thrown across his forehead and a pained look in his eyes.

"y-yeah, brooks?" michael asked, trying to seem nonchalant like it was normal to get up extra early for work. brooks shifted his gaze toward michael tiredly, rubbing one eye slowly.

"why're you up so early," brooks yawned, not bothering to cover his mouth. michael scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"th-the boss wanted me and s-some other em-employees to c-come in early an-and help with s-some files," michael explained, not really lying but not really telling the truth. he was lying about the number of people there were going to be; there was only going to be two people, both with a lustful desire for the other one. but of course michael couldn't possibly say that to brooks.

brooks hummed in response, and then after a little bit he mumbled, "don't feel good, gonna try to get a day off."

"d-do you have a t-temperature?" michael questioned, walking over to the bed and placing his hand over brooks' forehead and wincing when he realised that brooks was in fact heating up. "sh-shit, you do."

"just wanna lay here all day," brooks mumbled, rubbing both sides of his face with the palms of his hands. michael furrowed his eyebrows and began to pull the heavy covers off brooks, but brooks protectively grabbed them back up to his neck. "don't, m'cold."

"b-but you're burning up," michael argued, peeling the covers from brooks' body. he nervously ran some fingers through his messy black hair, watching his fiancé toss and turn in attempts to get comfortable.

"you can go to work, y'know," brooks murmured, rubbing one side of his face, "i can take care of myself."

"you c-can barely g-get out of b-bed," michael protested, letting out a small sigh. "i-i'll go get you an a-advil, d-do you think if i-i take out s-some soup you c-can heat it up for y-yourself?"

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