thirty seven

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a/n, michael has his dark blue hair now instead of the black hair :-)

but can we just talk about how luke is looking at michael in the photo with such concern in his expression and how the lil kitten angel looks so upset :-(


"cal, y-you need to get off," michael whimpered, exchanging a look with luke as calum helplessly clung onto his best friend, pretty much refusing to let go of michael. michael and luke's plane was leaving in ten minutes, and calum had yet to finish saying his goodbyes to his beloved best friend.

"i-i'm not done," calum sniffled and michael hoped to god that calum wasn't getting any snot on the sweatshirt he was wearing, since he was wearing luke's sweatshirt. he liked the way luke's clothes fit him more than his own clothes, because they were always a little big on him. and well, luke liked when michael wore his clothes because it made michael seem more like his. plus, michael could fucking rock anything he wore, whether it be luke's or his own.

"cal, baby, you gotta let 'em go," ashton tried to say soothingly, but calum just smacked away ashton's hands before clinging even tighter onto michael, if that was possible. luke cleared his throat and tugged at the collar of his shirt, admittedly not liking how close calum was to michael, but it wasn't like he could do much to stop it since they were best friends. still, michael was luke's and luke wanted to be the only one to hold michael that close.

"gosh, i'm gonna miss you so much," calum mumbled with his face buried in the crook of michael's neck. michael ran some fingers through his dark blue hair, which he had dyed the other day, and mouthed to luke a single word, 'help.'

this is exactly why michael didn't want to tell calum, because he knew his best friend would cling onto michael and refuse to let go. luke hesitated before exchanging some whispered words with ashton, then the wavy haired boy stepped forward to grip calum's waist and rip the dark haired boy from his best friend.

"no!" calum screeched, wiping at his teary eyes before making grabby hands towards michael. his boyfriend held him close and whispered soothing things into calum's ear, which visibly made him relax a bit.

"i love you, michael," calum spoke up after ashton had loosened his grip but kept his grip on calum's hand so that they were tightly holding hands, "go kick some ass in amsterdam, yeah? i'll skype you so much that you'll be sick of my face after a week, promise."

"okay," michael said with a small smile that got wider when luke joined michael's side, reaching over to hold michael's hand in his. michael entwined their fingers before giving luke a faded smile, happy that luke had agreed to move as soon as possible.

"oh, and please make sure you're eating enough there," calum said sternly, giving michael a serious look, "and don't take any food from strangers. oh, and call me when your flight lands."

"al-alright, mother," michael said sarcastically, since calum was sounding exactly like his mum. the kiwi boy sheepishly grinned before the voice on the intercom announced that the plane michael and luke had to go on was leaving in five minutes.

"wait, michael," ashton carefully let go of his boyfriend before grasping michael's bicep and pulling him aside from calum and luke to ensure that their conversation would only be heard between them, "can you please make sure luke takes his medication? check his wrists, thighs, and hips at least three times a week, please. call or text me if he seems like he's getting worse."

"will do; th-thanks for being th-there for him," michael softly smiled before he and ashton hesitantly turned back towards calum and luke, who were talking about the weather in amsterdam. michael approached his boyfriend and took his hand in his, offering luke a small smile as his green eyes settled on calum and ashton once again.

"stay safe, you two," ashton smiled as he pulled luke in for a quick, tight hug, and the blonde gratefully hugged his best friend back. they exchanged cute little 'i love you's before they reluctantly pulled apart from their endearing hug. michael and luke gripped their suitcases before shooting their best friends one last smile and then turning to walk to where their plane was boarding.

"we can back out at any time," luke reminded michael softly, leaning down to hover his lips close to michael's ear. the blonde moved his lips to michael's jaw and pressed a long kiss on his skin there, which made michael smile.

"n-no, i-i'm good," michael reassured his boyfriend, pulling away to show him the smile adorned on his lips. luke grinned before pulling michael back in close, pressing a sweet kiss to the top of michael's head lovingly.

when they finally entered the plane, michael and luke walked to their seats and michael got the window seat. of course, luke let him have it since he couldn't ever say no to michael's sweet, innocent features, so the duo sat next to each other on their plane and luke still hadn't let go of michael's hand.

"attention all passengers; the plane will be leaving in five minutes."

"i feel like we're on some disney ride," luke laughed, which made michael giggle and squeeze luke's hand a bit. he glanced out the window and then rested his head on luke's broad shoulder after pressing a kiss on his exposed collarbone.

"w-we're gonna be okay," michael whispered with his green eyes just about to flutter shut. luke smiled at michael's words and placed his chin on top of michael's blue hair, giving his hand a little squeeze.

"i love you, michael."

michael shifted his gaze up to see luke peacefully allowing his blue eyes to close, their hands still tightly clasped together. michael smiled at the thought of luke finally being safe from his father as he allowed his eyes to close. "i-i love you m-more, luke."


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stay tuned for the epilogue :')

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