thirty three

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a/n ; at first when i saw the gif i thought luke started to stroke michael's dick/inner thigh + i was like 'i like where this is going ;-)'

reminder that luke's abusive father lives in an apartment right near luke !!!


luke and michael did eventually get called into the police station to tell their version of what had happened to brooks the night he killed himself. once they were sure that it was a suicide and not a homicide, the police closed the case and allowed the press to call it a suicide since there was no evidence of luke or michael killing brooks at the scene.

brooks' funeral was today, and michael was not looking forward to it. he wanted to dress casual but also wanted to look nice to pay his respects, so he was dressed in a black skater skirt paired with black lace tights, along with a black long sleeved shirt that gave him sweater paws. he was too tired to fix up his black hair or cover up the bags under his eyes, so in his opinion he didn't look one hundred percent presentable.

luke, on the other hand, was dressed like he was going to work. he wore one of his business suits, except he wore black skinny jeans instead of khaki pants. he also wore a white tie and spread a bit of gel through his messy dark blonde hair, and spent fifteen minutes waiting on michael so they could leave.

"michael, c'mon, we're gonna be late," luke pointed out from the doorway of their bedroom, leaning against the wall impatiently. michael took a glance at the time and took some deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. he was ready to go; he just wasn't ready to see brooks get buried.

"coming," michael whispered, pulling on his black combat boots before exiting the bathroom. luke gave him a small smile as michael approached luke, and he wrapped an arm around michael's waist once they began walking toward the door.

"it's going to be fine, babe," luke murmured against michael's ear as he locked the apartment door and began walking down the wide hallway, "after you've given your speech, we're free to leave."

michael opened his mouth to reply, but he shut it as he saw one of the apartment doors opening and closing to reveal luke's father stepping out of his own apartment. he was opening the door for a much younger woman who was leaving, and they kissed before she left his apartment.

luke's father glanced over to where luke and michael were walking down the hallway, a sad look crawling on his features as he noticed luke's arm around michael's waist and the fact that michael was wearing a skirt.

luke wanted to say so many things, like why he was cheating on his forgotten mother or why he felt the need to criticise everything luke did, but he didn't want to earn a bruise on his face so he just shut his mouth and continued walking without another glance in his dad's direction. michael followed luke's lead and stepped closer to luke for comfort, neither of them caring as luke's father watched them walk by.

"luke, son," his father spoke up just as they had passed his apartment, making both of them freeze but neither turn around, "a letter came in the mail today from your mum, and that's why i'm choosing to sleep with other people. you can read it if you want."

"okay," luke spoke in a tone of voice michael had never heard from him; it was one of fear and disappointment. he briefly left michael's side to go into his father's apartment with the older version of luke, and michael slumped his shoulders but glanced inside the apartment. he was wary of his boyfriend's father ever since luke had told michael everything the man had done to him.

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