thirty one

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"w-wait, brooks, can y-you please explain to me wh-what's going on? wh-why are you crying?" michael asked, giving luke a worried look as he finished off his chocolate ice cream bar and tossed it in the trash next to their wooden park bench. luke noticeably got wary when he heard that brooks was on the other line, and he comfortingly placed his hand on michael's knee.

"michael, i-i just love you so much and i-i don't think i can live w-without you," brooks blubbered, "th-this past week has been a fucking hellhole for m-me. i-i got fired, y-you left me for your fu-fucking boss, i-i've been so lost and alone this whole time. m-mikey, my baby boy, i-i still love you and don't think i can ever stop. seeing you with him fucking hurts and you-you're acting like the fact that you moved on so quickly like we didn't fucking date for three years doesn't hurt me at all. newsflash, baby, it does."

"i-i'm sorry, brooks, but i-i love luke and you've g-got to respect that, please," michael pleaded, placing his hand over luke's resting on his knee and giving luke a bewildered look.

"that's the thing, i don't respect that," brooks said bluntly. a small pause washed over the two before brooks added, "i-i love you with my whole h-heart and i-i can't fucking live without you, michael... i-i'm about to jump off a bridge and commit s-suicide. i-i've been drinking, and it's cleared my mind. my choice is made up, i'm sorry."

"pl-please tell me where you are," michael breathed out, trying to take deep breaths, "brooks, please d-don't do this. j-just tell me where you are, okay? i-i'll try to make things right with you, i-i promise."

"i-i'm at english violet bridge," brooks said after a pause, making michael let out a small sigh and rub his temples frustratedly.

"st-stay there, i-i'm on my way," michael said before he hung up and slid his phone in his pocket, reaching for luke's hand as he stood up from his bench. luke confusedly got up and entwined his fingers with michael.

"what's going on, babes, why did he call you?" luke questioned as michael pulled him back toward the apartment complex and the parking lot. michael wiped away the tears threatening to fall from his eyes before he quickly glanced toward luke, meeting the blonde's worried blue eyes.

"i-i think he's drunk a-and wants to commit suicide," michael whispered as they got inside of luke's sleek black car, "pl-please go to english violet br-bridge. we h-have to stop him b-before h-he jumps..."

"wait, he's not doing this because of you, right?" luke asked curiously as he got out of his parking spot and drove out of the parking lot. michael sniffled and wiped both of his green eyes quietly as to not draw luke's attention away from the road.

"i-i don't know, luke, b-but th-there's a possibility i-it could be b-because of me," michael said quietly, as if raising his voice would cause brooks to jump. he was so overwhelmed and decided that he needed to calm himself down because everything was going to work out. brooks had an amazing life, a great family, and he couldn't throw all of that away just because their relationship didn't work out.

"babe, take some deep breaths," luke instructed, stealing side glances at michael, "i'm sure everything is going to be just fine, yeah? freaking out over it will just worsen the situation."

"y-yeah," michael breathed out, checking his phone again in case brooks texted him. michael let out a shaky sigh and leaned the side of his head against the window, although that wasn't the best idea considering they were driving on a bumpy road and michael's brain surely got rattled inside his head.

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