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italics = dream
oh and btw the dream is sexual so dont read the italics if you dont want to read that (but idk who wouldnt want to like srsly)


michael was sitting at home for at least five hours, bored and lonely, until brooks came through the door. he got home around five thirty while brooks got home around ten thirty, and michael had to drink a cup of coffee to keep himself awake. currently he was curled up on the couch, watching the disney movie finding nemo, wearing nothing but brooks' oversized black hoodie and boxers underneath.

"swim, marlin," michael whispered, his knees to his chest and his half empty cup of coffee in his hands, "sw-swim fast enough an-and you'll get to h-him."

the door slammed shut and michael jumped slightly, but smiled when he saw the outline of brooks standing in front of the door as he kicked his shoes off. the black haired boy got up from the couch, placing his coffee on the table as he went up to brooks with a wide beam on his lips.

"h-hi, brooksy," michael held out his hands for a hug, but brooks just mumbled a hello and took off his heavy coat. michael frowned and put his arms back by his side.

"i-i missed you all d-day," michael pouted as brooks took off his black shirt, showing his toned chest. brooks just nodded and began walking toward the stairs, so michael followed behind. the two ended up in their bedroom, where brooks sat down on the bed and rubbed his temples soothingly.

"i love y-you," michael murmured as he took a seat next to brooks, wanting some touching and contact. but instead, brooks gave michael an irritated look.

"look, michael, i'm fucking tired and i don't want to deal with you right now," brooks groaned as he continued to rub his temples, "give me a fucking break, okay? i'm taking a shower and going straight to bed."

"i-i'm sorry, i j-just missed you s-so much," michael complained, giving brooks a sad look. his fiancé didn't even look in his direction, but instead kept his blue eyes closed.

"fucking shut up, michael, you're being impossible," brooks hissed as he got up to walk to the bathroom, "i'm not even sure if i want to sleep in the same fucking bed as you for tonight anymore."

michael pressed his lips together and willed himself not to cry. instead, he went into the closet and pulled out a dark grey blanket, hugging it to his chest as he left the bedroom, going downstairs.

he cuddled up on the couch with the blanket over his body, and drank his last sip of the warm coffee before he rolled over and closed his eyes, trying to get some sleep.


"fuck, you're so hot," the whisper sent shivers down michael's spine, making michael raise his chin up higher so the person in front of him pinning him against the wall could have more open access to his neck. lips attacked michael's neck, rushing yet passionately, roughly yet softly. michael felt like he was on fire, and the person in front of him had set a match to engulf himself in the flames.

michael tugged anxiously on the locks of hair in front of him, a strangled moan escaping through his dark pink lips. the boy moved his lips from michael's neck to his lips, dominantly moving his lips against michael's and moving his hips against michael's.

with an overwhelming desire inside him, michael grasped the back of the boy's neck and tugged him closer to michael, his eyes closing as he kissed the boy back.

"fuck, i've been waiting to do this with you ever since the first day i saw you," the boy whispered huskily against michael's lips, "go ahead, babe, moan my name. no one's here except for us." michael hesitated, obviously afraid that someone would hear, but then the boy grasped michael's hips and began unzipping his jeans, fuck it.

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