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a/n a scene from luke, trigger warning !!!! this chapter shows that even the people you might not suspect are dealing with shit. you probably didn't expect luke to secretly be like this because his character is so strict and sort of cocky, but you'd be surprised to find out how many people are struggling with personal problems. please, if you know someone who needs help or you're in need of help, please please please get help. that's the first step to getting better. believe it or not, but you most definitely are loved and your life is worth so much. if you're not comfortable getting help, maybe just talk to a trusted loved one, best friend, or adult. talking about it helps so so much. i care about you so much and you're beautiful inside and out; please stay strong and stay safe. i love you. :-) -lex


l u k e

no, it wasn't going to happen again. luke promised himself that it couldn't happen again. he remembered the first time it had happened, even though he had been only seven years old.

"mommy, daddy, there's a spider in my room," seven year old luke complained, peeking outside his bedroom door. he saw his parents sitting on the couch together watching tv, but his dad had a beer bottle in his hand and his mother was sat far from his father, unlike when they used to sit close.

"kill it yourself, luke," his dad replied, taking another swig of the beer with his blue eyes focused on the tv rather than his son who was in need of his help. luke pouted and walked out, glancing hesitantly between his father and the tv before he stepped in between, blocking his dad's view of the tv.

"but daddy, it's big and scary-"

"i said, kill it yourself!" his dad's voice rose as he forcefully put down the beer bottle and angrily threw a punch at luke. the seven year old managed to dodge it somehow, blue eyes growing wide as he glanced quickly to his mom for guidance. while he looked away, his dad threw another punch, this time hitting luke in the jaw.

"i-i'm sorry, i don't know what i did but i'm sorry!" luke began to cry, the pain from his jaw getting to him. his father sat back in his seat, giving luke an irritated look and then looking over at his wife.

"go kill the fucking spider for him, liz, before i bash his face in even more."

luke had been hit by his father more than he would have preferred in his life after that. the booze had ruined luke's idol and luke had been terrified of his father ever since. once they had both matured a bit and mr. hemmings had begun his own company, the two agreed to leave it all in the past so that they could manage the company successfully, but how could luke put all of that in the past when his father made the memories sharper than ever?

after the mall, luke had gone to his father's apartment to see if he could help with the case. he wasn't one to stand around twirling his thumbs; he wanted to get involved and help out with the lawsuit hands-on. lucky for him, his dad only lived a few apartment rooms down from his own.

luke tentatively knocked on the door, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he waited for his father to answer the door. he put a smile on his face when the door was opened, but with his luck it looked more like a grimace.

"hi, dad, i was hoping that if you're working on the case right now i could help out," luke said eagerly, offering his father a genuine smile. his father frowned and ran some fingers through his gelled back blonde hair.

"i don't want you helping out, luke, you'll mess something up," his dad pointed out, making luke furrow his eyebrows and quickly shake his head.

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