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"fuck, he was supposed to be here five minutes ago," luke tugged at his collar before he smoothed down his grey tie, obviously freaking out, "michael, we need this investment." the two were in a restaurant called ocean, it was a seafood place. michael was really glad luke had picked a seafood place, considering that michael was a pescatarian (meaning that he was a vegetarian but still ate fish).

"m-mr hemmings, i-i'm sure he's just st-stuck in traffic," michael assured, watching as luke ran his fingers over his blonde quiff, ensuring that it was still perfectly in place. luke then started to bite his nails anxiously.

"being on time shows that you care," luke hissed halfheartedly, putting more of his focus on his nails rather than michael. michael watched luke bite his nails, and it made michael want to bite his own nails. so he shifted so he was sitting on his hands in order to prevent himself from biting them.

"i-i'm sure h-he does," michael stammered, stress building up inside of him. he always got stressed whenever someone acted like luke did around him. he wasn't sure why, but he knew to stay out of it when people acted that way.

"should i call my father?" luke questioned, but then answered his question before michael could. "no, he'll just call me a kid and want to hold the lunch himself. i can do this. you can do this, luke."

michael wanted to say something about how luke was too young to own a huge company like this and be stressed out the way he was, but it was too many words and he didn't feel like stuttering anymore. unfortunately, it wasn't that easy for him.

"this is so shit," luke murmured, obviously in the middle of an anxiety attack. he reached out and grabbed michael's arm, pulling his hand out from underneath his thigh to worriedly latch onto his hand, entwining their fingers together. michael instantly pulled his hand away, his hand twitching with a weird sensation from luke's touch, and slid his hand back under his thigh. luke mumbled a few cuss words under his breath at michael's actions.

"th-there he is, sir," michael pointed out, nodding toward a man dressed in a suit walking into the restaurant. luke's head shot up and he tried to calm his breathing down, standing up as the man got closer to their booth. luke looked down at michael to see that he was still seated and rolled his blue eyes before grasping michael's arm and hauling him out of his seat.

"nice to see you, luke," the man addressed luke by his first name as they shook hands. luke offered the man a big smile before he looked over at michael.

"and you, sir. mr hankins, i'd like to introduce you to one of my employees, michael," luke introduced, placing his hand on the small of michael's back to make him step a little closer. michael gritted his teeth but shook mr hankins' hand, giving the businessman a small smile. then michael stepped away from luke, making his hand fall back to his side.

"let's all sit, shall we?" mr hankins gestured to the booth, making michael and luke nod. mr hankins sat down in one side of the booth as michael and luke sat down across from him, luke having the end seat. michael fidgeted with his hands under the table as luke and mr hankins immediately began discussing business. then michael wondered if they were even going to eat, because michael was really hungry. but then michael looked down to his tummy and thought to himself that he could afford to skip a meal.

"could i get you guys anything to drink, or are we ready to order?" a waitress interrupted the conversation, her blonde curly hair reaching the small of her back and her navy blue eyes meeting luke's light blue ones expectantly. luke bit down on his lower lip, his teeth fiddling with his black lip ring, as he stared back at the beautiful waitress.

"i'll have a sprite," mr hankins piped up, making the waitress scribble it down in her notepad. luke tore his gaze away from her and looked down at the menu before he mumbled that he wanted a coke.

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