bonus chapter #3

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back in america

"mr hemmings, i have those files you asked for," alex spoke with a lazy tone of voice as he dumped the files onto his boss's desk, not bothering to glance at his boss before exiting his office. his boss had been too busy talking on the phone anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered if alex attempted to give his boss a small smile or anything like that.

luke's father failed to give any attention to the files that alex had dumped off on his cluttered desk, which alex was quick to notice just before he left the office. the files were some kind of important federal papers, so as far as alex was concerned, it wouldn't be his fault if something happened under mr hemmings' watch.

alex was going back to the first floor to ask brandi something, since she was temporarily the receptionist while mr hemmings searched for a new one. she complained about it a lot and even mentioned how the company was better off with luke as the boss, which was strange considering that she and alex always had a thing against luke.

"hey, b," alex approached the reception desk and leaned over, giving his girlfriend a cheeky smile as he reached out to briefly graze his grip under her chin, "i was thinking about going to panera for lunch today, you in? sara and ashton can come, too. maybe he'll even invite his boyfriend that he won't fucking quit talking about."

"well, that's because my boyfriend is more amazing than you'll ever be," ashton scoffed, suddenly coming up next to alex. he and alex had trouble getting along ever since ashton broke off their little affair, but alex tried not to have hard feelings about it. it was hard to do, especially when ashton couldn't learn when to stop talking about calum. like, yeah, they get it, you love him.

"feeling the love, buddy ol' pal," alex spoke sarcastically, playfully pushing ashton's shoulder as the wavy haired boy shot brandi a small smile in an attempt to ignore alex's touch.

"did you ever find the time to fax those papers i asked you to fax?" ashton questioned, straightening his tie a bit as he brought his chin up higher. brandi opened her mouth to reply, but suddenly the front door to the building was opening and three policemen were standing in the entry.

"can i help you, officers?" ashton asked in a businesslike tone of voice, moving away from the reception desk to stand in front of the policemen and fold his arms behind his back, which caused his shoulders to look broader.

"yes, sir, you can. we're looking for andrew hemmings," the cop in the middle replied, and alex and brandi were quick to notice the guns adorned on their belts, which made them both feel intimidated. ashton tried not to pay much attention to it, and instead shot the policemen a short smile.

"alright, sir, you can follow me to his office if you'd like," ashton suggested, walking over to the elevator and pressing the up button. the three police entered the elevator with ashton as it opened, and ashton hit the fifth floor button once he had gotten inside. the policemen kept exchanging glances, and one even had his hand on the gun on his belt. ashton pressed his lips together and attempted to ignore it, but he couldn't help it if he didn't exactly feel safe in an elevator with three obviously angered policemen with guns.

"right this way," ashton murmured as the elevator opened, leading the three men down the hallway that led to luke's old office that his father had occupied once he had snatched the company from his son. speaking of, ashton really missed when luke was in charge of flyer's, and he was making a mental note to make a skype call with luke and michael once he got home.

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