Chapter 16

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"Hey Yoongi, it's me again! Not sure why you're not replying to my texts or returning my calls, but I really need to talk to you. When you hear this message please call me back. I know you're busy and trust me if it wasn't important I wouldn't even be calling you."

Kat looked down at her phone, hoping to get a notification from Yoongi, but so far she had no luck. She had been feeling strange for a while but brushed it off as just being more jet-lagged from frequently traveling to visit her boyfriend, as well as just work-related trips. So, she didn't visit a doctor for a while.

That was until she woke up in the morning, in pain with blood-soaked panties, after her period was two months late.

"No no no no no, this can't be happening to me!" deep down she already knew what was happening, but she wanted to talk to tell boyfriend first. Before she called anyone else to take her to the hospital, she wanted to let Yoongi know that there was a possibility that she was pregnant.

The clock was approaching 7am, which meant that it was 11pm in Seoul. Yoongi had to be awake still, she knew he always worked into the wee hours of the night, and never went to bed that early. At that point she had tears running down her face, it was too much to process alone. The physical pain she was in, the fear she felt of what the doctor might tell her, the loneliness and desperation she was feeling as a result of not having her boyfriend to help her. It all added to the things she was feeling.

While the pain kept increasing, her mind went over the past two months. How she had been feeling more emotional after playing the Wacken show, but she thought it was just her mind taking in just how big and successful she had become. The constant hunger, she thought was just a result of her workload increasing lately. Her job was becoming more demanding over the past few weeks, and she figured her intense schedule was why she was constantly hungry.

She pushed her thoughts aside for a moment and decided to try and get in touch with Yoongi again. She left a couple of messages, and while she waited for an answer, she called Mike's girlfriend to help her.

"Kat? Where are you?" she heard Alissa call. "I'm here, I got your message. Are you ok?"

"Alissa?" Kat called. "I'm in the bathroom"

Alissa quickly went to the bathroom but stopped in her tracks when she finally got to see Kat. She was sitting next to the toilet, eyes puffy and red from crying. On the floor there were some clothes with blood stains in them.

"Did you bring what I asked you?"

"Yes, I have it right here." Alissa said, handing Kat a small box, with a pregnancy test. "Do you really think you might be..." she trailed off.

"I don't know... I didn't even realize I haven't had my period in two months, until I woke up bleeding this morning"

"Have you told Yoongi yet"

Kat scoffed bitterly. "Yoongi won't even reply to me or call back. He's completely unaware of all this. I knew dating again was a bad idea..."

"Oh sweety..." Alissa crouched down and hugged her tightly. "I'm sure there's a good reason why he's not answering. You know how things are with his work"

"I know but damn it!!" she punched her leg, sobbing. "I'm still his girlfriend, shouldn't that mean he'd put in a little bit more effort into this relationship? Shouldn't that mean he'd make an effort to at the very least check my messages and reply at least once?"

"Have you asked any of his band members why he's not replying? Maybe something happened?"

"What else besides me possibly losing his child, could be happening??" she asked exasperated. "I've asked Jimin and Hobi if they could get Yoongi to please check my texts, but they said he's working on something, and told them that I knew it was important and that I could wait. He didn't even wanna hear what they had to say. He doesn't give a fuck about me."

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