Chapter 23

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[Kat, 14:33] : You're a real fuckin assholw

[Kat, 14:33] :*asshole

[Kat, 14:34] : I fuckinng hate you!!

[Kat, 14:34] : Why the fuck did you lie about our song??"

Yoongi woke up with his phone blowing up with messages. He was still a bit groggy from drinking last night with Eddie, Zeke, Mike, Alissa and the rest of the BTS members. He surprisingly had a blast. Like he was told, Kat wasn't present, and he was thankful for that. He still doesn't know how he would react, how she would react. Her friends were always fun to be around. Eddie and Zeke were the party animals, often surpassing Yoongi on the amount of alcohol they could handle. Mike and Alissa were a bit calmer. Maybe not the 'stay at home and read a book instead of going out' type of calm, but they were definitely not as wild or loud as Zeke and Eddie. He had a profound admiration for Crazy Saints. They were professionals of their craft, and in the studio, they killed it. From what he had witnessed at least, Eddie was very professional, a very skilled and versatile player and overall, just great to work with.

What started off as just unwinding ended up as a drinking competition between Eddie, Zeke, Yoongi, Jimin and Jin. Jin was the first one to quit, followed by Jimin. Yoongi almost quit afterwards, but before he could, Zeke passed out. The only ones left were him and Eddie. BTS were cheering him on, but Eddie was tough to beat. Before Yoongi could lose his senses, he too quit, leaving Eddie as the heavyweight drinking champion. That is until Yoongi takes back his place as the rightful champion.

He was thankful that no one mentioned Kat throughout the night. As that alone might've ruined it. Still, looking at Alissa and Mike, he felt a flash of jealousy hit him. They were one of those couples that were so clearly in love, that it makes anyone around them sick. They worked so well together; it was sometimes annoying. To be honest, he didn't hate it, and they weren't one of those couples that are overly affectionate in public, but he was just jealous. Their chemistry was palpable from a mile away. He wanted to have what they had. He wanted to have what they had, but not just with anyone, when he thought of a long-term relationship, he could only picture Kat by his side.

But right now, she was in a committed relationship, hated him and wanted nothing to do with him, even going as far as to blocking him everywhere. But she unblocked him, only to send him some very angry texts.

[You, 14:37] : What are you talking about?

[Kat, 14:37] : You know what Im talking about

[Kat, 14:37] : The song we made TOGETHER

[Kat, 14:38] : Why did youo take my name out of the credits of 134340!?

[You, 14:38] : I'm facetiming you, this isn't something to be discussed through text

Kat was seething, but reluctantly agreed.

[Kat, 14:39] : K

She wasted no time at picking up the call. There was something about seeing her face again that made Yoongi's stomach do somersaults. Although she was angry at him, he still found her beautiful. If he was being honest, he didn't mind the circumstances, all that mattered to him was that he was once again seeing her face on his screen, and she was finally talking to him again.



"YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! The song on the new album. WE DID THAT TOGETHER! Why is my name nowhere to be seen in the credits!?"

"Is that why you're so pissed about?? I can pay you your cut from the streams and sales it makes. No need to be so angry with me"

"THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY!! This is about my hard work, my legacy, my rights as an artist being respected." She gestured exasperatedly with her hands "I WILL SUE YOU MIN YOONGI!!"

"Is that all? I'll talk to my management and get that fixed. No need to get your panties in a twist."

"You just don't get it, do you? You also lied on live television! MY work is not just a fucking loop you found on splice. I worked hard to be where I am today and people like you, who merciless screw over people like me, make me sick!"

"I'm sorry. I panicked and didn't know what to say, okay? Considering that some people figured out we were dating, implying that we worked together on a song, alone for hours crammed in a studio, THAT would only add fuel to the fire. Besides, I don't want your little boyfriend to be pissed because I talked about you on an interview."

"Oh, so you don't want him to be pissed because you talked about me on an interview, but don't mind including my voice on your song? Don't mind having a sample of a PRIVATE CONVERSATION WE HAD, ON YOUR SONG??"

"Calm down, will you? It's less than a second long, and it's just you saying 'annyeong', you can't even tell it's your voice!"

"You know what? When I think you can't stoop any lower, you always manage to surprise me"

"Do you know why I included your voice? Because the song is about you! You happy?? I wrote a song about how much I've missed you. Happy now!?" he laughed bitterly.

Kat was speechless. Now it all made sense. The lyrics about meeting her again after the breakup, how just her smell triggered a waterfall of memories to pour over his head. He talked about turning around and seeing her smile, that day in the studio.

"I don't know what to say... I uh-" she was about to finish her sentence when keys jingling and Kurt' voice echoed through the halls of her house. "Ich bin zu Hause, meine Königin!"

"Yeah... Don't worry, I'll make sure your name is on the credits. Now go to him."

Yoongi ended the call feeling like shit, there was a knot on his throat and a pang on his heart. If Kurt hadn't showed up, Kat more than likely would've told him something else. Maybe she would tell him that she's still in love with him. Maybe she'd tell him to fuck off and give him her lawyers' contact. He could only hope it was the first option, that she'd tell him that she still loved him, just as much as he loved her.

He shook his head, and went back to work, trying to keep his tears at bay. He sent an email to the company's lawyers to get the song credits situation figured out, and immediately immersed himself in a new project.

Eventually, his promise to fix the 134340 situation was kept, and the credits on the song were edited. Now on the production and composition credits, Kat's name appeared right next to Yoongi's. The only thing he wouldn't fix was the short snippet of Kat's voice. Besides their pictures he still kept, that piece of the song was one of the few remnants he still had left of her. 

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