Chapter 22

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The last few weeks had been hard for Yoongi. Kat had officially cut all ties with him, and he felt more dead than ever. The BTS members were worried about him for a while, he barely ate, barely interacted with anyone, always either in his room or the studio, going as far as skipping dance practice.

It was rough for a while, until work managed to distract him for good. He took the track he had done with Kat, and the lyrics he had written, and pitched it to Bang PD, to include on the new album. Turns out Bang loved it, and so did the rest of the BTS members. Yoongi was finally excited about something, and little by little that spark was coming back.

He would often find himself in his studio listening to the final product of the song and reminiscing of everything that happened with Kat. The entirety of the lyrics was about her. Just like Pluto, he now wasn't worthy of being in her "solar system" anymore, but his mind would still pretty much go in circles, orbiting around her. Kurt was her Eris, the reason why she expelled Pluto out of "her solar system".

But whether or not he had a name, or was just a bunch of random letters, just like Pluto, Yoongi's life carried on. And maybe he would never find a love as intense as he had with Kat, but if she settled for less in the name of convenience, so could he.

After a while of not being in the game, Yoongi felt seriously rusty when it came to dating. Often relying on Jungkook to keep him up to date with the lingo, and the whole ordeal. Award shows were better than ever to try and find a date. Due to BTS' increasing popularity, finding someone to spend some nights wasn't difficult. Sure, it was a shallow transaction, and not exactly a love story, but this was Yoongi finally moving on.

Besides, with the release of the BTS' new album, and the incessant run of promotions abroad, he didn't have time to properly date beyond hookups.

Today they were doing some interviews about the album, and it was all going just fine, until the interviewer asked about 134340. Yes, the song Yoongi had made WITH Kat, and later on wrote the lyrics about her.

"So, the people wanna know, how did you have the genius idea of writing a song about someone, using Pluto as a metaphor?"

"I've always been interested in science, and I thought this was a very unique concept. Pluto or 134340, whatever you wanna call it, was always the loneliest planet. And after being broken up with, Pluto became even lonelier. In a way, Pluto's history is very familiar to us all."

"This question is for Yoongi, since he was the producer of the song. 134340 has a different feel than the rest of the album, how did you come up with that main guitar idea? Did you play it?"

"I uh-" he scratched the back of his ear and licked his lips, trying to think of an answer. "It was actually a sample. I was browsing through splice and came across that loop. I thought it was interesting, so I used it."

"Okay, because the fans were curious about whether or not, you played the guitar on that record. Speaking of which, the fans are in love with your guitar playing! What inspired you to pick up the instrument?"

"Oh, I've always liked the sound of the guitar, so I thought, 'why not?', you know? It improves my workflow as a producer, because I don't have to rely on session guitarists anymore."

The interview continued smoothly, thankfully, no more questions that made Yoongi think of Kat were made. It had been a while since he showed up drunk at her doorstep, and although he was starting to move on, his feelings for her were unwavering.

"CUT" the director yelled. As soon as they got up from their seats, people started moving things around. They took away 3 of the 7 chairs and changed the background from their album logo to a simple background with a "CS" written on it. He wondered what was that all about.

But he didn't have to wonder for long. As they were leaving the building, he saw 4 very familiar faces approaching. Kat, who was smiling engrossed in conversation with Zeke, suddenly looked at Yoongi and her smile vanished. She stared him directly in the eyes as she walked right past him without uttering a single word. The rest of Crazy Saints greeted him with a short nod, some "hey, how's it going man!" and smiles. At least they weren't giving him the cold shoulder. He was walking ahead of the group but could still hear her voice greeting his other members as she walked past them.

He reached the company van, and noticed the other members were still not there. a couple of minutes later, they finally entered the van.

"Sorry for the delay, we were catching up with some old friends" Taehyung explained to the drivers. Namjoon saw the way Yoongi looked away and clenched his jaw.

"Hey, sorry hyung. We didn't mean to hurt you, we were really just talking and meant no harm. We should've done that in your absence. Sorry..."

"It's okay... You can talk to whoever you want. We're adults."

"If it bothers you, you can just say it. We don't mind! If you want, we can stop talking to her permanently!"

"No, you don't have to. I still talk to her members from time to time as well. It's no big deal..."

Namjoon wasn't dumb, he knew Yoongi was hurt. He saw the way Kat walked past him without acknowledging him. And after their last encounter seeing her brought back all those painful memories back. But if Yoongi didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't push it.

"What did you guys talk about back there anyway?" After a long silence, Yoongi asked nonchalantly, almost as if he wasn't even interested in knowing. When reality is he was desperate to know more about how she was doing, what she was doing, did she still think of him?

"Oh, you know, work stuff. We told them we have a new album out, and get this, they have also released a new album! Kat had no idea we released new music, but she said she would check it out. She hasn't been checking social media, because she's tired of seeing everyone dissect her relationship, as if they know them personally. But now she knows that we're having a comeback!"

"Right! I almost forgot she's seeing Kurt now; hope people aren't being too mean to her. It'd suck to see her unhappy..."

"For the most part I think she's okay, she just stays out of social media, and that kinda fixes the issue. But I think things are going well between them."

"Good to hear... So, they have a new album out, is that it?"

"Yeah, 'C.S. vol 1' I think that's what it's called. The guys invited us to go out tonight, you should come too. Don't worry, Kat won't be there, she's spending the night with Kurt!"

"Namjoon!" Hoseok glared at him, telling him to shut up. Yoongi's hands balled into fists, while his face remained expressionless. He had always been good at masking his emotions, but in the end, his body language gave it away.

"It's okay, I'm okay. I don't care. She's not Voldemort, you can say her name, you know"

"Great! See guys, he's healed" he announced to the whole van, almost in a mocking tone. Whether Yoongi wanted to admit it or not, he was still hurt. "So, you're coming with us or not?"

"I think I'll accept the offer. The guys are cool, and I could use some rest right now".

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