Chapter 24

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"The couple was seen leaving the Abbey Road Studios, holding hands this morning. They were also spotted earlier this week walking around London engaging in public displays of affection. Fans of both groups are ecstatic with the possibility of a collaboration. We have now on screen some images shared on the internet by some people who spotted the couple. Very cute indeed, the two seem to be happy and thriving as a couple."

Jungkook was in front of the TV at the dorm watching a music news channel. He was waiting for them to start a segment on BTS' upcoming tour, and coincidentally the channel was doing a piece on Kat and Kurt. Unaware of Yoongi's watchful eyes, watching attentively hidden in the darkness of the hall. He had seen enough. Enough kisses, enough holding hands, and he definitely had enough of that smile that once upon a time, he was the reason for. He wasn't expecting the relationship to last this long, 11 months and they were still going strong. Especially considering how her band members felt about her relationship, he thought that by now, they would've surely broken up. Eddie and Mike had told him how much they disapproved of her relationship before.

Their reasoning being they didn't think Kurt had a positive impact on Kat. Sure, she might seem happy to anyone who doesn't know her well, but Kurt' frequent drug use and Kat's past would soon result in a disaster. Yoongi was worried too, he didn't know her when she overdosed and went to rehab, but his heart broke at the thought of it ever happening again. He wanted her to be happy and healthy even without him.

Eddie and Mike said they had advised her to keep things strictly professional between them, but she didn't listen and ended up dating him anyway. Alissa was worried as well, Kat seemed to be using Kurt as a distraction rather than doing the work and healing on her own.

Knowing that Kurt might put Kat on the wrong path angered Yoongi, and he decided he had enough of the God-awful news segment about them.

"Turn that shit off."

"What? Why?"

"Because I think it's stupid that they did a whole piece of someone's private life."

"But we're on next, they're talking about our tour!"

"I don't care Jungkook! Just turn it off."

"Jeez, someone's grumpy..."

Jungkook turned the TV off and went to his room. Yoongi claimed he was over Kat, dating multiple women at this point, but whenever the topic was Kat, he still acted differently. The other day when Jungkook went to Yoongi's studio to work on some new material, a news article about Kat and Kurt popped up and he just closed his laptop and left with no explanation. BTS really thought he had moved on at this point. With two failed short-term relationships and at one-point, new women day in, day out, it really seemed like he no longer cared about Kat.

Kat on the other hand was better at pretending. Every time she came across a Yoongi dating rumor, she managed to keep her cool, sometimes even pretending very convincingly to be happy. But there was one person that wasn't buying it. Alissa had on multiple occasions caught Kat looking Yoongi up, on twitter, google, you name it. Whenever Kat let her use her phone, she could see it in her search history. Even though she hid her feelings very well, Alissa was like a detective. Finding and investigating all the clues.

The only time she couldn't hide it was when she was on a video call with Hoseok regarding a song he had in mind. He was at the dorm discussing ideas with her, back and forth. This was normal for them. Whenever they needed someone to play guitar for them, they always gave her a call. Yoongi was okay with it, he knew how to keep business separate from feelings, so they didn't see any harm in working with someone they knew as personally as Kat.

Kat had an acoustic guitar on her lap, as she was trying to come up with ideas that complemented well the whistled melody Hobi had shown her. He was coming up with possible ideas for future projects, thought she could be a great aid to creating a laid-back guitar riff for a hip-hop track.

They had been doing this for at least an hour straight, so distracted that Hoseok didn't even hear the door open. By the time he noticed Yoongi and his girlfriend approaching, it was too late. They were in the webcam's field of vision, letting Kat see her ex-boyfriend with his arm around somebody else's waist.

She felt her cheeks heat up, her hands shake, and her stomach twist. One thing was to see twitter threads of supposed rumors, but it was something else to see it live. She was in a committed relationship with someone else, she shouldn't feel this way. She had been dating for almost a year, and Kurt made her happy. But did he, really? Maybe Yoongi made her happier, and she just forced herself to believe she was happy with Kurt, for the sake of moving on. Her mind was questioning everything in that split second, but before she could go on further, Hobi moved the computer so she couldn't see him.

"Sorry about that"

"Who are you talking too?" she heard Yoongi ask in the background.

"I'm just working on something with Kat, hyung."

"OH, okay. Sorry for interrupting. We're going to my room now, so we don't bother you" Yoongi replied. She heard a woman giggle in the background, and just like that, Yoongi was gone.

"Kat, I'm so sorry, it won't happen next time!" He promptly apologized.

"It's okay, we've both moved on. Uhm, do you mind if we take a break?"

"No not at all. Please, take your time."

And with that Kat left to cry in her bedroom. Kurt wouldn't visit until the next Friday, and she was thankful for it. Lately more and more articles regarding Yoongi dating, had made their way onto her social media's feed, and as a result she was feeling more depressed. Why did she feel this way? They hadn't been together for almost two years now. It was about damn time that they both moved on. They weren't meant for each other anyway, she thought.

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