Chapter 36

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"Where the fuck have you been?

"I was in my hotel room, just relaxing and watching some movies."

Alissa narrowed her eyes at her, not really believing her answer. "What movies did you watch?"

"Just some new movie that came out on Netflix, I don't think you know it"

"How can you be so sure I don't know it if you've yet to say the name?" Alissa crossed her arms smugly. She was sure Kat was lying, but why? She wanted to get to the bottom of it and uncover the truth.

"I just don't think it was your kind of movie."

"Fair enough..." Alissa walked around Kat, like a lion circling its prey. "I like your new necklace, when did you get it?"

"Oh, this?" she questioned as she held the guitar shaped pendant in between her fingers. " It's just a gift from a friend."

"Hm..." Alissa hummed, and smirked. She had Kat trapped. "Did this friend also gift you some men's cologne, or is there something else you wanna tell me?"

"What?" she chuckled nervously.

"You heard me. If you were in your hotel room the entire time, then why do you smell like men's perfume?"

"Can you stop pestering me with questions, please? I came here on a holiday to relax, not to get interrogated by you." She said sternly, not really mad, but also not open to telling everything that happened just yet, when it was still so fresh. She would rather wait a little bit before announcing the good news.

Alissa sighed. "Fine, I just don't wanna see you get hurt again. Please be careful who you let into your life. Go get your world shaken, but don't let them break your heart. It's dangerous for you to be hooking up with randoms when I know you've already fallen for someone else."

"Thanks, but I don't think it's your place to worry. I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing. Now can we go, or are going to keep wasting my time?" Once Kat walked past Alissa to go their ride for the night, Alissa quickly pulled out her phone and opened the group chat.

Operation Kitty Kat GC

[Alissa, 21:45] : guys, I don't think the plan will work

[Mike, 21:45] : what??

[Hobi, 21:45] : Why?

[Eddie, 21:46] : Are u seriously backing down now

[Alissa, 21:48] : She hooked up with someone and doesn't wanna tell me about it

[Alissa, 21:48] : Which probably means she doesn't want anything else to do with Yoongi

[Alissa, 21:48] : Much less wants us meddling around in her personal life

[Zeke, 21:48] : idc to me the plan is still on

[Alissa, 21:48] : you dont get it

[Alissa, 21:48] : I asked her abt what she was doing, n who she was with, and she dismissed me

[Hobi, 21:49] : We'll still try, even if she doesn't want us to

[Namjoon, 21:49] : same, to me the plan is still on

[Jimin, 21:49] : same

Alissa quickly followed suit, joining Kat in the taxi that would take them to the place where they'd be having dinner with the rest of Crazy Saints.

"So, Kat, I don't know if Alissa told you but after this we're going to a club downtown. Do you wanna come with us or are you too tired?"

"I think I'll join you guys just this once. It's been a while since we've partied together!"

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