Chapter 20

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To say that Kat was excited was an understatement. She had picked her outfit the same night the guys told her they had the tickets. Spent most of her day doing her hair and her makeup. It had been a while since she went to a concert, and she wanted to make sure everything was absolutely perfect. The guys were going to pick her up at 5pm, so they could get there in time.

She thought back to the time when she brought Yoongi along, to show him one of her favorite bands of all time. Nostalgia filled her heart, but she didn't let it hurt her heart. Today was about having fun, and there's nothing that could ruin that.

As soon as they got to the venue, Eddie grabbed a beer for everyone. The show was no less spectacular than Kat was used to. The pyrotechnic stunts were still the best in the game, especially the flame throwing guitars, and the phallic shaped cannon that shot white foam. Kat's only focus at that moment was singing along to the songs, headbanging and having fun.

By the end of the concert, her neck was starting to hurt from so much headbanging, but it was all worth it. It had been a while since she had this much fun. The rest of the group was also relieved to see their plan had worked. She had so much fun, that she completely forgot about Yoongi and their breakup.

When the show was over, Kat was expecting to go home, when the group told her, her last surprise of the night would be to go backstage talk to the band.

"Hey! It's you again!"

"Crazy Saints!! Nice to see you again!" the lead guitar player said.

Kurt, the drummer, had his back turned to them, but as soon as he heard who was there, he turned around with the biggest smile on his face, and immediately greeted them.

"KAT! What a pleasure to see you again!" he said as he pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey, Nice to see you too."

The rest of FeuerTieren were talking to Crazy Saints, while Kat and Kurt were in their own world.

"So, did you enjoy the show?"

"Always, you guys never disappoint!"

"Glad you think so!!" he laughed. Kat had to admit, that even almost 20 years later, he was still as charming as when she found the band. She remembered picking magazines up, and spending minutes looking at the cover. He was now almost sixty, but his good looks were still there. The blue eyes were still as piercing, the hair was now short and grey as opposed to the longish black hair he used to sport. But even that just added more charm to him. His physical shape was noteworthy, but you shouldn't expect anything else from a drummer of his caliber.

"Your boyfriend? He couldn't come today?"

"Oh, uh, we uh- we broke up actually."

"Ach so!? He doesn't even know what he lost! It should be a crime to let such a beautiful and intelligent woman go. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing better. It's always tough to go through a breakup, but I'd say I'm managing well."

"Glad to hear that!"

They continued their conversation, until it was almost time to go. They talked about work, vacations, basically anything that came to mind. Kat hatted to admit it, but she did enjoy talking to him. Besides being extremely sexy, he was actually very nice and funny. By the time they were about to leave, Kurt handed Kat his phone:

"Here, if you don't mind, I'd love to get your number and get to know you a little better. Is that okay with you?"

Kat thought about it for a second, and then she remembered how quickly Yoongi moved on from her. She impulsively took his phone and added her contact.

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