Chapter 12

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The next time Hoseok saw his hyung and Kat, he didn't miss the opportunity to tease them about what had happened. All of the members had a good laugh when they found out about it too.

Kat and Yoongi went out a couple more times during Yoongi's stay, spending most of their time together. Kat stayed at his hotel room the whole time and would only leave to go somewhere with her boyfriend.

Moments like these were good, but they couldn't last forever. And so, with a heavy heart and after having some good times together, they had to say goodbye. It hurt a lot, but Kat expected her boyfriend to be more considerate, and to at least send her a text every day. She didn't ask for much, just for him to communicate properly.

So far everything had been going well, with Yoongi sending multiple texts a day, and sometimes facetiming her. Things were going well. Of course she'd rather have him close to her, to be in his arms all the time, but things could be worse.

Her birthday was approaching, and while any other time she'd be down to throw a big party and just be reckless, this year she thought it didn't make sense to celebrate if her favorite person wasn't going to be there. She could go clubbing, and she's sure Yoongi wouldn't see any issue with that either, but she wasn't in the mood to do so.

The guys had asked her what she had in mind for her birthday, but she just brushed them off, saying she was probably going to spend most of her time facetiming her boyfriend at home.

Just thinking of hearing his voice made her stomach flutter. They had been together for a little over a year now, but they were enamored with each other, as if they'd just met. The ideal scenario would of course be going to a party with her boyfriend, but the chances of that happening were very small.

Her band finally convinced her to at least go out to dinner together. She would have to call Yoongi after that. And that's how she found herself sitting at a giant restaurant table, with her bandmates and some of her staff.

"I know you said you didn't need gifts, but I know how much you wanted this, so I bought one for you" one of her friends handed her a bag. Inside was signed copy of the Van Halen I album. Kat was moved, but before she had time to process it, someone else handed her a gift.

"I got you something too!"

By the time she left the restaurant, her hands were filled with bags and boxes. Her friends did not disappoint with their choice of gifts too. But there was only one thing she wanted in that moment, and they couldn't give to her: her boyfriend.

[Yoongi 💞, 22:41]: Hope you had a great birthday love. I have a surprise waiting for you at home! Love you 😘

She was feeling a bit tipsy by the time she reached her front door but managed to open it with very little effort. Once she turned the lights on, she could not believe her eyes. There on her couch sat her boyfriend with a gift on his lap.

"Oh my god!" Kat's eyes started to water, and her heart sped up at the sight of her boyfriend there. She ran to him and threw herself onto his arms.

"Hey babe, I missed you too!" Yoongi said softly as he kissed the top of her head and ran his hands through her hair.

"I didn't know you were coming, I missed you so much! You should've come to the dinner with us."

"I couldn't make it in time for the dinner, and luckily I managed to reach your house before you did. I don't have much time, but I got just enough time to surprise you!"

"This is the best gift I could've asked for!"

"Here" he handed her the gifts. One bigger box contained a MIDI controller that Kat had been wanting to get for her studio, while the smaller box contained a silver necklace, with a purple gemstone. "It's an amethyst, I chose it because it's the Pisces crystal, and also your birth month crystal. I hope you like it."

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