Chapter 29

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"RISE AND SHINE BIRTHDAY GIRL!!" Kat was startled awake, by the three men and the woman barging through her room with a birthday cake.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy -"

"Do you seriously have nowhere else to be!?" she checked her phone for the time. "It's 9 am, can't I even sleep in, on my own damn birthday!?"

"Nope, you're leaving tomorrow, and we have a whole day ahead of us, filled to the brim with surprises!"

"Ugh, I hate you guys sometimes!" She threw a pillow at them before burying her face in the covers.

"C'mon, get up. We're gonna get some breakfast at your favorite place, and then we're going for a hike!"

"Yeah, we're going to Paradise Falls!". Kat quickly got out of bed and ran towards the bathroom.

"Okay, I'm sold!"

"Good, because we have more planned!"

She got dressed in an instant and was ready to head out. The trail was not too difficult or too long, which left them with the perfect amount of time to grab some lunch. They were talking about any and everything that came to mind, savoring these last few moments before she left.

They were sad that she was leaving, but it wasn't like they would never see each other again. They would call and visit, and she would visit too. And whenever they had to tour again, they'd be together once more. They knew this was part of her journey to reconnect with herself and her origins. Prior to the funeral, it had been around a decade since she last visited her hometown. They understood this was important to her.

They all loved her, but it was being especially difficult for Zeke and Alissa to get used to the idea. Zeke had always been a sensitive, sweet soul, who wasn't afraid to cry or show emotion. He was a strong guy, and he knew that being in tune with his emotion did not make him weak, rather the opposite. His "twin" was moving away from him, and he was still getting used to the idea. And Alissa, Kat was her best friend, and her only female companion in the group. She would miss her dearly.

So, they thought her birthday was the perfect goodbye. They would start off the day with a hike, then go out to dinner, and then end the day with a surprise party. They had invited some engineers and producers they were friends with from work, friends from the bars and other places they usually hung out at, and some artist friends. Even BTS was invited. They were in town for some promotions and were down for some partying.

The rest of the day went as planned, they had a blast for lunch at her favorite Italian restaurant, then for dinner, they went for a sushi buffet. Kat thought that was going to be the end of it, but when they dropped her off at home, she was instructed to shower, dress in something sexy, do her hair and make-up, as a last surprise awaited her.

When they told her that, she thought they were just going to a random club downtown and that was it. Never did she imagine they had rented and decorated an entire warehouse to make a club for themselves.

It was packed with people she knew from everywhere. Some from work, some from their night outs, and even some random friends she had made along her stay in the U.S. After a lot of coaxing, Zeke finally managed to pull her to the dance floor.

"Come on, it's your birthday! Have some fun!" He said.

"But I did have fun, you guys planned the most amazing day for me. It's way more than I could ever ask for!"

"You deserve it. You're the coolest person we know, we wouldn't let you not celebrate this."

"I loved it! Although you might've been a little extra with this whole "renting a warehouse and turn it into a club" thing, don't you think?"

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