Chapter 35

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"Ok, I managed to get a hold of the club owner, and he gave me the DJ's phone number. He's down for making an entire slow dancing segment, he just asked me to pick a few songs for the occasion. Now, does everyone know what to do?" Eddie opened up Zeke's fridge to grab a beer and joined the group in the living room.

"Yes, I have a pen drive with the romantic songs that they like, to help set the mood."

"And I made sure BTS plans for Yoongi's birthday involves clubbing."

"OK, that's great!!" Eddie said, as he took another gulp of his drink.

"What about Kat?"

"I just talked to her yesterday and she said she'll be here soon. I lied and said I'll leave for a while after the 11th of March, and she bought it. She wants to come earlier just to spend some time with me, so according to my calculations, that means she'll be around for Yoongi's party." Alissa was excited to say the least. She had been talking a lot with Kat, and every time the subject matter was Yoongi, she could see how Kat's smile would widen, and how her eyes would shine.

"I also talked to the owner about the decorations, Alissa and Mike, you guys working on it?"

"Yep, we thought the theme could be 'Valentine's Day, everyday' or something. Then we get roses for the whole place, and heart decorations. All drinks for the day will also include two straws, so you know" Mike wiggled his brows.

"Okay, now we can only hope they don't suspect a thing... I really hope this works, but it isn't guaranteed. I mean, at the end of the day we're just setting them up on a more romantic date. Nothing guarantees us that he'll ask her to be his girlfriend." Zeke wanted his friend to have her happy ending of course, but he was having his doubts about whether or not their plan would succeed. He was still willing to try, but he was keeping his expectations at bay.

"That's what I'm worried about too... they seem to have this friends-with-benefits type of relationship, and it seems to be working well for them. I don't see a reason for them to be official, especially since last time went so terribly wrong, I think they're just going with the flow and skipping labels and formalities."

"But that's the thing, this isn't about them being 'officially a couple', this is about them being honest with each other and admit they're whipped as fuck. So far they seem to have convinced themselves that all the other one feels is friendship and sexual attraction. She doesn't know how in love with her he actually is, and vice versa. That's what needs to change." Alissa explained to the group, hoping to get the point of their plan across.

"Exactly! And if they go from there to dating, great, we love to see it. If they don't, then well, at least they were completely honest with each other, that's already something. But I do think that once all cards are on the table, they'll act upon their feelings."

"Yeah, I think that's all."

"It's great, I think you should release it" They were sat at Kat's desk, Yoongi listening to a couple of demos she was playing him. She had been working on finding her own sound, her own voice and was excited to finally show it to someone.

"Really? I don't think it's anything that special- I mean, it's definitely special to me, but I don't think it's worth sharing with the world. These tracks are very personal, it's not something I can share with ease."

"No one said it was easy to be vulnerable and release something so personal. But it's absolutely worth it, Kat. You should think about it. I also had a few tracks on my last solo album that I thought no one would relate to, and that it was too personal, but that's exactly what people want. They want you to be vulnerable and honest and share your pain with them. People want someone who's genuine."

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