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"You ready?" He called to her.

"Yeah,I'm coming!" She came down the stairs and smiled At him.

"You look beautiful baby" he wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her temple.

"I have a surprise for you.."

"A surprise?" He lead her out of her flat and outside where a black stretch limo was.

"A limo?" He pulled her down the steps and turned to smile at her.

"It's a special night.." The chauffeur opened the door for her and she smiled a thank you before getting in.

"You excited?"

"It has to be big if you got a limo big baller" he chuckled at her.

"By the end of the night you're probably gonna love me more than you did before" she was confused,what the hell was going on?

Dinner was normal,their conversations always deep and incredible. But afterwards something was different.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise.."

"Why do you keep saying that?whats going on?"

"Do you trust me?" He looked at her,his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah,I do"

"then trust me.." He grasped her hand and his and smiled before looking back out the window. It was dark out,and all of a suddenly the limo stopped and the chauffeur opened their door again.

When they got out she heard the distant sound of water crashing against something,the smell of sea water blowing in the small wind. They went down a few wooden steps before he sat her down on them and kneeled before her.

"Gimme your foot" she gave it to him and watched on as he unbuckled the strap and pulled it off. He repeated the action with her other before he pulled her up and grabbed her hand; lacing her fingers with his.

With her shoes in one hand and her hand in his other they walked further down into the sand before they were greeted by the water. She looked at him curiously as he walked along it slightly then stopped.

He smirked at her before nodding towards something and she turned to see what. It was a long path of lights leading to a group of people standing there with lanterns in their hands. When they walked closer she noticed their friends and family smiling at them; a piano on one side.

The man sitting at it started playing; she finally recognized the song as 'All of Me' by John legend. Then she saw his face clearly and realized it was him. He sat her shoes down at the end then stood fully up again.


"You wanna know what I love about you?" She waited for his answer as he started slowly walking her down the light aisle.

"I love how you are one of the strongest women I know. How you always manage to smile even when you're having one of the worst days. How you always listen and laugh at my stupid jokes and watch football when you clearly hate it. I love your smile and how you get embarrassed about your laugh when there is no reason to. I love your body,your personality, And I could really go on about this forever because that's what kind of person you are..." He stopped at the end of the aisle.

She looked at everyone confused then back at Colin in front of her. He had a new look on his face that she'd never seen before.

"You trust me?" He asked her again and she nodded. He kept hold of her hand before getting down on one knee and smiling up at her.

"You're crazy,you're funny,you're incredibly smart,and you're more beautiful than you give yourself credit for. And I think that's why I love you so much. You make me happy and the thought of letting you get away from me is unbearable and it would be stupid."

There were tears in her eyes as she looked down at him,she was trying to get herself together but it was hard to do that when he was saying he things he was. He pulled something out of his pocket; a black velvet box.

"So I'm asking you.." She gasped out and the tears fell. "Morgan Allen, Will you marry me?"

She nodded quickly,sobbing out a happy 'yes.' Everyone cheered as he slid the ring on her finger and smiled at him. When he got up he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips.

"I love you so much" he got out before kissing her again. Their friends and family attacked them with hugs as their yells of joy got louder.


*The Next Day...*

She woke up to the soft comforter of his bedroom and warm arms. She opened her eyes and noticed a sparkle in the sunlight and by further inspection realized it was her ring. Then all the events from the previous night came flooding back to her. She looked up at his sleeping form and smiled. Her fiancé. She was getting married.

"You're staring" he mumbled and her eyes got wide.

"Sorry" she whispered before she went to tracing the tattoos on his chest.

"It's okay baby" she smiled brightly but didn't connect their eyes.

"You agreed to marry me,which means you're stuck with me for the rest of your life,you ready for that?"

"Yeah,I am actually. I trust you."he picked up her left hand and stretched her arm so they could both examine it.

"It looks great on you."

"I love it,it's beautiful..."

"I'm glad,because that would have been really awkward if you hated it."

"Why'd you do this?" She asked abruptly.

"Do what?"

"Propose; you know I have to leave for tour in two days.."

"Because I wanted to know your answer before you left.."

"We won't be able to spend time with eachother..."

"I'll fly out to see you soon. We'll make it work..." He kissed her head to shush her worrying.

"Be happy,okay? We'll be fine."

"Promise?" She finally met his eyes and he nodded.

"I promise."

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now