Who Says

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They've managed to make it into the building and away from a good amount of the cameras. Gemma has been laughing at him since Morgan's arrival and he's starting to get just a tad bit irritated. Not just at his older sister but at Morgan's audacity to bring him with her.

It's her fiancé; why wouldn't she bring him?

He grumbles a bit as they walk up the small, red velvet carpeted steps and toward the entrance to the main room. Then of course they get a bit stalled because the room isn't open yet and it's mingling time. They're just sort of bobbing around but then his sister starts teasing again.

Only this time she acts upon her teasing.

"Morgan!" His eyes bug as his sister smiles and beckons them over. What the hell was she doing?

He looks up at their approach and tries to wipe off the frown on his face as he registers their intertwined hands.

"Gemma! Look at you, you look incredible." She let's go as she hugs his sister and smiles big. He doesn't immediately acknowledge Colin as he stares at the two women.

"You look amazing! I love this dress. How are you? I haven't seen you in a bit."

"I'm fantastic, thank you. How about you, college graduate?"

"I'm great."

"Oh, Gemma, this is my fiancé Colin Kaepernick. Colin this is Harry's older sister Gemma."

"Nice to meet you." He smiles big as he shakes his sister's hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Congratulations."

Then, all eyes sort of turn on him and he's forced to be a good person and actually contribute to the conversation.

"Hey Harry." She speaks first, still smiling.

"Hi. You look great."


Colin reaches a hand forward and he shakes it, a silent contest going on as they firmly grip eachother's hand. They give fake smiles. A bit of who's the bigger man. Colin wins. He let's go. Pissed.


They hear the announcement that the room is ready and someone calls to her again on the other side of the Grand hall.

"We'll see you guys in there." She smiles big, grabbing his hand and tugging a bit so he walks with her.

He faintly remembers how she use to do that to him when she got excited about something. Ah, fuck.

"Enjoy your Pissing contest?" Gemma asked and he rolls his eyes.

"You are awful for doing that to me."

"I had no idea they were engaged. Honestly."

"Let's just go in."



"You two are awful you know that?"

"And it's my fault he was testing me?"

Harry was the one who started up, though it wasn't much of a contest anyway. Atleast not for him. He had won like he knew he would. He didn't know for sure why Harry hated him but he had a pretty good idea.

"There's no reason to test eachother. He knows where we stand."

"Does he? Looks like he's still into you." She frowns and furrows her eyebrows.

"He's not still into me, Colin."

"If you say so."

"Does it matter? Does it really matter?"

"No. It doesn't. What he did to you does."

I kind of want to kick his ass. Just a bit.

"It's in the past." She grumbles. Now she's mad. Right.

He wraps an arm around her and excuses their way through the small crowd. He looks around before going through two big double doors. There's a big empty hallway that's deserted and he closes the door behind them and moves a bit away from it.

"What are you doing? We need to get back." She starts toward the door again but he holds her back.

"Hey," she looks up, her brown eyes darkening a bit.

"Don't be mad. Please? It's been a good couple of days. If Harry doesn't matter to you then he doesn't matter to me. Plain and simple. You matter though. You mean a lot to me and I guess I'm just a bit protective because I know what he did to you."

"I'm not with him though; I'm with you. You're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

He'd always liked the sound of that. No matter what anyone said, he couldn't wait until she was his wife. He didn't think he had ever felt so strongly for someone. Even if they really hadn't been together that long. She meant the world to him.

"I know. I can't wait to marry you, baby. I don't want to fight alright? Let's just go and have fun." He leaned down, kissing her lips once before pulling away.

"No more contests?"

"No more. I promise."

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now