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-three weeks later-

She woke up, in a pool of warm wetness. Subconsciously and half asleep, she thought she had come on to her period in the middle of the night.

Then she realized she couldn't have her period. And that the warm wetness was way more than normal.

She sat up and turned on the bedside lamp, turning to throw the covers off of her.

There was blood. So much blood.

Staining the comforter, the sheets below her, soaking her night shorts and on her legs.

"Baby? Baby wake up..." she shook him.


"I'm bleeding...I shouldn't be bleeding." She panicked. He sat up slowly and looked to her. Looked to the blood.

"Oh my God." She stared down at her shaking bloody hands trying to figure out what was going on. "Okay, calm down. I'm going to put some sweats on then we'll get you dressed to go to the hospital okay? Just stay put."

She was terrified,scared as hell as she stared down at the scene. It looked like someone had been murdered. A few minutes later he came back.

"Okay, come on baby. I got you some clothes." He started to help her up but as soon as she stood up she up fully, a sharp pain shot through her stomach that made her keel over in Colin's arms.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"It hurts." She had no time to sob, it hurt too much for that.

"Sit down, here I'll put your pants on for you."

He helped her change and put his jacket over her shoulders then carried her out to the car. The drive there felt like forever, and when they got there she had already bled through her new pants and was feeling lightheaded. She leaned on his shoulder, her vision starting to get a little blurry.

"Somebody help, my wife's bleeding a lot and she's pregnant."

Before she knew it, she was being rushed somewhere. He was running next to the bed. The lights are a bit blinding as they speed past above her.

"You'll be fine, okay? I love you."

"Excuse me sir, but you have to stay here. You can't go beyond this point." He disappeared from her line of vision.

"That's my wife, she's scared! I can't just let her go in there alone..."

"There's nothing you can do for her right now. We have to examine her. You have to stay here..."


She woke up to monitor beeps. Someone was smoothing the hair out on her head, another hand brushing their fingertips against her knuckles over and over again. She slowly opened her eyes to see Colin staring at her; his eyes tired and a bit red.

"Hey..." He smiled slightly even though it didn't touch his eyes.

"Hi, what happened?"

"You lost a lot of blood, and it made you pass out but you're fine now." He blinked slowly.

"There's something you're not telling me. What's wrong with our baby, Colin?" Her voice was hoarse and a bit weak.

"There isn't one." He whispered.

"What do you...? What do you mean? I'm pregnant, I-"

"You were pregnant, but in the middle of the night something happened that caused you to start bleeding. All of the blood filled your uterus. You had a miscarriage." His voice broke.

She couldn't believe it. Her baby was gone.

The monitor's beep sped up as she tried to grasp what happened.

"No, no, no..." Hot tears came to her eyes and spilled onto her cheeks."This is my fault, isn't it?"

"No baby, you were asleep. What is the harm in that? It was an accident, none of this is your fault."

"It is, I killed our baby didn't I?"

She was hysterical. She had gone through all the right measures,was really careful and now here she was, without the one thing she really wanted.

"Listen to me, none of this was your fault okay? It was an accident. I don't blame you, no one blames you. We're in this together okay? Me and you."


-three days later-

She had been upset ever since she came from the hospital. She wasn't in that much physical pain anymore; mostly just a slight body ache and her face hurt. But her heart felt a bit dead.

She woke up that morning with a headache, most of her night spent crying slightly into the pillow.

She turned over to see that her husband was gone. She sat up and looked to the clock. 2:40. She got up and bit stiffly before going to the kitchen to find some food where she found found note on the counter.

I didn't want to wake you. If you wake up, I went for a run. When I come back we'll go out for something to eat. Stay still okay?

I love you.

She tried to shower to calm herself but it felt useless. Nothing felt right; not even the hot water.

She heard the door to the shower open but she knew it was him. He didn't talk; nor did he need to, his presence was enough. His tall frame towered over her incredibly and all she wanted was to be in his arms. She turned and wrapped her arms around his middle,her face in his chest, his arms wrapping around her shoulders like they always did.

"I missed you." She knew he was probably only gone for about an hour or so but she needed him at the moment.

"I missed you too."

"Was your run good?"

"Yeah...just needed to go and get my head clear."

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just really needed a hug." He squeezed her a bit.

"Yeah me too. I'll take you out, get you anything you want."

"I'm not really hungry or anything...can we just sit around today?"

Even though there was water on the both of them and her face, she was pretty sure that he could see that she was crying again.

"Of course baby, we can do anything you want."

"Good." She sniffled. He pulled back to brush his thumbs over her cheeks.

"Don't cry, please? It's okay, we'll be fine. I love you. I love you so much." He kissed at her face.

"I love you too."

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now