Once Again

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"My friend, a guy I grew up with...he's been shot."

"Shot? How?"

"He was visiting someone in a bad neighborhood. He got robbed and they took his stuff..."

"Then they shot him." She finished and he nodded solemnly.

"And now?"

"He's in the hospital...critical condition." He ran a hand over his face.

She moved back so he could stand to his feet, their previous playfulness completely forgotten.

"I'm sorry, I have to-"

"Go baby, I understand. Be careful."

"I love you." He kissed her head before leaving out.


She woke up to the sound of shuffling around.

When she felt the bed dip a bit she reached across it to touch his back.


"I'm here." He spoke up raspily.

She opened her eyes to see his back turned toward her, shoulders hunched, and it looked as though his body was shaking slightly. She sat up and crawled to the side of him to see his red rimmed eyes.

"Colin? What's going on? Why are you crying?"

"He's uh...he's gone." Her heart broke and even though it was kind of dark she could still see the anguish written across his face.

"Baby." She pulled him into her arms ; his face in her neck as he shook more violently. "Calm down, it's okay...I'm right here."

"We were talking and then he just..."

"Try to push it out of your mind for right now, you're going to get yourself even more worked up. C'mon let's lay down."

She started to pull him into bed, his body finally giving into her order. He laid down, his arms tight around her waist.

"I'm so sorry." She tried to soothe him, placing kisses to his head and rubbing his back. Slowly but surely he calmed down enough to stop his shakes and eventually stop his tears.

"I'm a football player...I shouldn't be crying." He mumbled.

"It's okay to cry sometimes, it makes you human."

"It makes me a wimp." He wiped his face a little and she kissed his nose.

"I don't think so..."

"Well then I guess that's all that matters." She sighed, still rubbing his back.

"What now?" She asked quietly and carefully.

"Don't know. I guess I"ll just wait till I hear about what I can do."

"It's gonna be okay. I promise. It may seem like everything is all over the place now, but it's going to be fine."

"I hope you're right..." He mumbles, not as a doubt, more so just a statement.

"I hope so too."


-a week later-

"Dammit." She watched quietly from the doorway of his closet as he fussed with his tie; annoyance clear in his voice.

"Calm down, let me help." She moved over and he let go so she could fix it.

"I look stupid." He grumbled.

"You look fine. Why didn't you go in the limo with the rest of the family?" She asked, finishing with his tie.

"I didn't want to...I couldn't."

She studied his face for a moment; registering how tired he looked. He hadn't been getting much sleep lately, and he had put almost all his energy into helping with the funeral arrangements.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to drive?"

"No, I can do it. I'm fine." He gave her a half-hearted smile before leaving to start the car.

She grabbed her purse and a sleeping Knox from the bed before making her way downstairs and out.

One the way to the church he kept firm hold of her hand as he drove. The closet they got, the more firm his hold became.

"It's okay." She chided gently.

The service was sad. The atmosphere was cold, and though she didn't know the man at all; she grieved for his family. Knox staid quiet in her arms, Colin stayed stone faced and quiet by her side. The choir singing was beautiful, but she couldn't help but to want to leave; funerals had always creeped her out.

"I can't do this..." He tried to get up but she kept ahold of his hand.

"You can. I'm right here."

He looked at her with pain in his eyes before nodding.

The burial was the last straw though, and he sat in the car for a long time, watching people move up the hill. But instead of getting out, he drove away.


"You wanna talk about how we left today?" She muttered as he laid across her lap.

His eyes were closed as she traced over his features, his body stretched out on the couch. Knox was asleep in his playpen only a few feet away.

"I didn't feel like going."

"Didn't feel like going, or didn't feel like realizing?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Your phone has been ringing off the hook since we got back. I think people are looking for you."

"So what? I just want to be home with you and Knox right now."

"Okay, but think about something for me okay? How would you feel if someone close to you skipped out on something important?" He sighed and opened his eyes, staring up at her.


"Exactly. So maybe you should go pay them a visit? Just to make sure they're okay?"

"I hate you."

"I love you too, go ahead. I'll be fine with Knox." He sat up and grabbed his phone, kissing her cheek before leaving.

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