Foreign Territory

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"Knox can you please sit down? Dinner is ready."

"Okay mommy." He sat down at the table in the kitchen as she finished putting his food on the plate.

The baby was cradled in her arm, surprisingly peaceful in her place. She was okay, though her worrying never stopped because of how long she had been in the hospital when she was a newborn. But now, at only two months old, she was doing so much better than before.

She sat Knox's plate, Colin's and her own down carefully sitting the baby down in her swing.

"Just stay here, it's gonna be're okay." She cooed, making sure she was comfortable before setting it to 'low' and moving over to the fridge.

Of course things had been a little hectic because a new baby was in the house and Knox had a newfound nag for energy that wasn't there before. But everything would slow down in time...or atleast she hoped it would. Seeing as though sleep felt like foreign Territory once again. But her family was okay and she'd trade in sleep for that any day.

She finished setting the table and seeing ad the baby was still peaceful in her place, she actually got a chance to sit down. She put her head back for just a few seconds and took a deep breath before she heard footsteps come into the kitchen. She peeked an eye open to see Colin walking toward them; but he was dressed up.

"That's a nice looking outfit for a normal family dinner." He frowned a bit before looking guilty. She sat up fully and stared at him questioningly.

"That's the thing...I have a meeting with my agent tonight. It's sort of last minute I know but I can't really cancel it because it's about my contract." He ruffled Knox's hair a bit before crouching next to her.

"Really? As in there may be changes to your contract?"

"Yes. Or it could be precautionary, I won't know till I get there. I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Though she was irritated, she knew he couldn't put it to the side. This was his career; it was important to him, so it was important to her.

"Okay." He smiled and kissed her cheek before standing up fully. He went over to kiss the baby goodbye, and then Knox.

"I love you, be careful." She called after him.

"I will!" He called back before she heard the door close.


She sighed before looking over to see Knox staring at her curiously.

"Alright bub, your turn to say grace."



The car door opened before she slid in and smirked at him.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey. You ready to go?"

"Yeah...where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." She smiled bigger, leaning back in the seat a bit. She stretched her legs out a bit, her dress hiking up a bit so he could see more to her thigh.

"I'm ready when you are baby."

He started the car and pulled out of her driveway before speeding down the street.

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