Too Careful

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"You excited? You get to go home..." the nurse smiled at her as she gave her one last check up.

She was an older woman; one of the three nurses that helped take care of her and the baby.

"Yeah, can't wait to take him home." She looked at Colin, who was quietly swooning over Knox since earlier that morning.

"You're good to go. No climbing flights of stairs or lifting things that are heavier than fifteen pounds for the first week. No baths and absolutely no sex. Your stitches are a bit sensitive."

Do people really try to have sex straight after getting out of the hospital? No offense but she didn't want Colin to touch her like that for a while for the simple fact that she felt like giving birth had torn her in half.

"Okay." She unhooked her from all the monitors.

Colin came over to help her to the bathroom, closing the door behind them.

"I don't need your help getting dressed..."

"You just had a baby three days ago; your body is still sore. Come on..." He helped her take off her hospital gown and get rid of it.

"I still look like I'm pregnant." She grumbled as she put her hand on his shoulders and stepped into her leggings.

He pulled them up and brushed his hands up her sides along her skin. "I think you look beautiful. Our son is healthy, you're healthy....lets just be grateful for that okay?"

She slipped on her t-shirt and nodded as he helped her slip her feet into boots.

"Are you nervous to take him home? You know we're really and officially parents the moment we walk out the door."

"Yes...he's only three days old and my anxiety has spiked to defcon 1." She smiled softly up at him.

"We'll be fine."



"It's probably a bit late to ask but, why Knox?" He doesn't think he's ever met or even heard of a Knox.

She smiles down at their son sleeping peacefully in her arms. She looks incredible. He's got this overwhelming sense of pride for his wife and son. He guesses it's a bit odd because he's a bit caught up in the whole image but it doesn't matter, he's happy.

"The spiritual meaning is peaceful but the inherent meaning is wisdom."

"Really?" She smirks.

"Yes. There's a method to my madness babe, I promise."


-three days later-

"The water isn't too hot is it?"

"No, I put my hand in there, it's fine."

The baby's first bath.

As if being nervous parents wasn't enough;now they had to bathe the baby. The sink was filled up with warm water, they had all they needed but they were a bit reluctant.

"You have to put him down in the water, otherwise he's going to pee on you." She informed her husband, watching as his eyes widened before he sat the baby in the sink.

The baby actually stayed quiet, curling up a bit as the water went over his body. They managed to do a rather good job of cleaning him. Maybe they were lucky and had a good baby. Maybe they were just lucky. Who knew?

"Alright I'll hold the towel and you pick him up and put him in it." She held it out as Colin picked the baby up, kissing his hair before placing him in the towel. She swathed him and held him to her chest.

"Not bad for amateurs."

"Not bad at all."

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