Yours For The Taking

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-a month later -

"Why are you so bent on this game?" Sammie grumbles; sitting on the other end of the couch.

It's the last game of the season; the 49ers against the Patriots to see who goes to the super bowl. She's so excited she can barely sit still in her seat as she waits for half time to end. They're up 18 to 13 and she's hoping and praying for the team to win.

"It's a very important game. We have to win this one Sammie..."

"You shouldn't be getting yourself so worked up over this; it can't be good for the baby." She gave her the evil eye before looking back to the screen.

Ever since Colin and Sammie found out about the pregnancy, they have been non-stop telling her what she should and shouldn't do. Of course she knew they were only trying to look after her but it was a bit annoying. She was, in fact, only two and a half months along. Her stomach barely showed it.

But of course her eating habits did.

Starting with the awful cravings.

Salmon and peanut butter? Pork chops with hot sauce? Spaghetti with green pepepers? Pizza with anchovies, pineapples, and sausage? Good God it was bad.

And she was there to devour it all within minutes. As well as get sick only an hour later after eating it.

Then there was her needing to pee every five minutes.

It was a lot to adjust to. And this was only the beginning.

"The baby is fine."

"Just making sure. Though the mystery as to why you were eating snickers with mustard on top is beyond me..."

"It was good. I'm kind of mad I ate that whole pack."

"I'm not. Saves me the nausea." She rolled her eyes.

Halftime was over and it was the 49ers ball. She didn't know she would ever become so interested in football. Of course she didn't know or really understand all of the technical details about the game but she did enjoy it. Especially watching her husband. She started to stare, not paying too much attention to the actual game anymore and only registering certain things.

Look at his hands.....incomplete pass.

And his arms,goodness gracious.....pass to Bouldin and....touchdown!

I can't wait till he comes home, though we'll have to be quiet because Sammie will be here....patriots gain yards...

Maybe I should text him something sexy to let him know I miss him.....only 3 minutes left in the third quarter and it's a tie, 24 to 24.

Yeah I'll do that, what though? What is sexy?.....another incomplete pass by Kaepernick. forget it. I'm not sexy I'll just be blatant and hope the message gets across......patriots get a touchdown.

I can't wait for you to come home...I need you so bad baby....send...

.....36 to 28....

Wait a minute....

She looked to the TV screen. How long had she been staring out into space? The game was almost over!

The Patriots were winning and it was only about two minutes left. Now she was really on pins and needles. Was two minutes enough time to make a comeback? Or atleast enough time to get a touchdown and go into overtime? Anything but losing. We can't lose this...

And before she knows it the two minutes are up.

And they've lost the game. 36 to 29.

"That can't be good..." Sammie spoke up and she shook her head.

"Not good at all..."


-two days later-


He's bummed.

Really upset.

They didn't win the game and they aren't going to the superbowl. And it really sucks.

But at least he is home.

When he walks in Sammie is sprawled on the couch with the TV playing as she sleeps. He decides not to mess with her but tries to be quiet so she doesn't wake up.

He leaves his bag at the door and moves through the apartment to his closet and getting rid of his shoes before going to their bedroom.

And there she is.

Asleep on his side of the bed; her hair messy and her lips parted as she snores softly. He moves over to her side and lays down on his back, looking to the side of him to admire his pregnant wife.

The woman he loves and is carrying his child. And he's actually able to push the lose to the back of his mind as he slowly let's it sink in again.

He's going to be a father. And he's excited at the thought. Happy he gets to have something he's wanted for a while now.

He turns on his side and reaches a hand over to move her hair from her face. Sees her lips twitch up in the smallest of smiles for him before going back to normal. He pulls her a bit closer to him, resting his arms over her and his chin atop her head as he gets comfortable.

And soon asleep.

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