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Harry POV

Him and Liam were riding over to the venue together.

"So yeah we were just chilling you know, and Sophie is so drunk..." He looked nervous,like there was something he wasn't telling him.

"What's going on Liam?what aren't you telling me mate?"

"I'm not supposed to tell"


"Okay,okay...Ehm is engaged.." He stopped just as the van did. He looked to Liam for a moment before quickly hopping out and going into the venue.

He found everyone onstage; the her and el in the middle as they squealed over the ring on her finger.

"When were you gonna tell me?" He spoke up and she turned and caught his eyes. Everything seemed to stop.


"Where you gonna wait till your wedding day? I mean don't I deserve to know?"

"We'll maybe if you gave me a chance to tell you. And hell, could you blame me for waiting? You've been nothing but rude to him since we got involved."

"Maybe because I don't want you to be with him. I don't think he's right for you, nor do I think you two should get married Ehm. I-"

"YOU!" She interrupted and everything went silent again.

"You, Harry. You you you. What about me? What about what I want? All you ever talk about is what you think and what you want and what you deserve. What about what I deserve? You think that you're the only one hurting but I've got news for you, you weren't the only one hurt. You think you can just push me to the side and deny us and tell everyone that we're just friends even though we clearly weren't. You think I would just wait for you?

"I wanted something real. Someone who would actually take the time to be with me and not just come along every once and a while and call me his girlfriend when he feels like it. You're such a selfish bastard you know that?" Her chest was heaving slightly, tears falling.

"I wanted to tell you, I wanted to be able to share this happy time in my life but really you have no right to trash talk me or him. Especially since he's only doing the things he's supposed to do. He takes care of me."

"So it's about the money..."

"It's not about the fucking money Harry. It's never about that. I would love him if he were broke. I'm not a gold digging whore, I make my own money. And if its such an inconvenience that I not tell you, I'm telling you now. I'm getting fucking married. And I want you to do me and my fiancé a favor and don't even bother showing up."

"I won't."

"Good." She wiped her face a little before turning and leaving off stage.

"Why'd you have to go an do that?" He shook his head and turned to leave and get ready.

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