Tell Me

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"You just need to calm down okay? They're going to be fine." His mother tried to comfort him but he couldn't be calm.

He was trying his best to be normal. Normal to keep his head, normal for their son asleep in his lap; normal to keep faith that his wife and his daughter were going to be okay.

But his hope was running out.

He brushed Knox's hair out of his face, more or so to calm himself as they sat in the waiting room. Sammie was asleep in the chair across from them, having gone quiet after he came in freaked out. The rest of his family was scattered about the waiting room.

"You should go home, Mom. You need some sleep. Everyone does."

"We don't want to leave you two Colin, she's family. That's my grand baby and my daughter in law in there." She got teary eyed and he reached over to rub her back.

"I know. But it's looks like the doctors aren't coming out anytime soon. Go home and get some sleep; I'll call as soon as I hear something." She nodded solemnly.

"Okay. I'm coming right back in the morning." She warned and he nodded.

Everyone left but his brother and of course Sammie; his mother taking Knox home with her. And he was left to the sound of squeaking shoes, intercom calls and soft speakers.

-the next morning.-

"Colin, wake up." He practically jumped out of his skin at the call of his name. He hadn't even noticed that he had fallen asleep.

Sammie was staring at him; her eyes dull and hair messy. He sat up as she sat next to him, sighing. Greg was in the chair opposite him; still asleep.

He ran a hand over his face and sat forward. "What time is it?"

"Ten after three." He blinked his sleep away before sitting up straight again. "I bought you coffee." She handed him a cup then produced sugar packets from her pocket; he took it thankfully.

"You and Morgan have this overwhelming need to take care of people, don't you?" He spoke up and she laughed slightly.

"Maybe. We grew up together so it might be a shared trait."

"Did I miss anything?"

"No, it's been quiet since I woke up."

Just as she said it someone cleared their throat; and he looked up to see Dr.Aiken staring at them. Dr.Aiken was an older man in his late 40's that had been Morgan's doctor when she was pregnant with Knox. He was more or so like a family friend now.


"Dr.Aiken, how is she?" He stood and so did Sammie.

"Morgan has lost a substantial amount of blood, that and the stress of an over due baby plus all of the pain she was in is what made her pass out. She's very weak and we put her on heavy pain meds so she's still asleep. She should be waking up soon though."



Her body hurt, and she was groggy when she opened her eyes. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the light in the room before everything cleared.

She shot up and immediately regretted it as she not only tugged the IV in her hand but the rest of her body protested.

"Hey, calm down...calm down, you're okay. It's okay." He soothed, both hands on either shoulder.

"The baby...I need to see the baby." She spoke frantically.

"You will, just lay back down okay? Calm down..." He helped her lay down again.

"I'll go get the doctor." Another voice spoke up before she heard footsteps.

"What's happening?" She whimpered.

"I don't know baby, but I need you to stay calm. I'm glad you're awake, I was worried about you." He admittedly quietly, his arm going up so he could smooth her hair back away from her face. "You've been out for a long time. How are you feeling?"

"I'm in pain..."

"Okay, just stay still until the doctor comes in."

A little while later Dr.Aiken and Sammie came back along with a nurse. They checked her over before she couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Please tell me about my daughter." He sighed before taking off his glasses.

"Your daughter is stable but she's not exactly at her best. She is very small, and her lungs are a bit underdeveloped. She is late but there are several heart complications working against her at the moment. She has to be in an incubator for a while so we can keep track."

"Can we see her?" She needed to see her baby, she had to see her for herself.

"You need serious rest. From what I understand you are in pain and your body is way too weak to stand or do anything else for that matter. Tomorrow. You're lucky to even be up talking right now. We're going to give you more pain meds though because your levels have gone up a little more since last time we checked." She stayed quiet as she watched the nurse put something in her IV.

"Thank you." Colin spoke up and the doctor gave them a sort of sad smile before leaving. Her bed was adjusted so she had to lay down and she started to feel the effects almost instantly.

"He's right baby, you need to rest. You did so good, but it took a lot out of your body."

" am I supposed to rest when..she's in there...suffering?" She was getting droopy.

"I have faith she'll be okay. But how are you going to take care of her if you're sick too? You need rest." He rubbed her cheek.

"Okay." She agreed before she slipped into the darkness again.

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