The Waiting Game

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They got to the hospital using the back way with no problems. It had been almost an hour since she was admitted and she was in more pain than before.

Liam was sitting with her in the room, her laying pitifully in bed with all of the monitors it felt like she knew too well.

She was miserable.

"Kill me now Liam; I'm begging you..." she groaned.

"Can't do that. The doctor says you aren't even dilated enough to get the birth drug thing."

"He's punching at my insides and what not, and I'm not ready?"

"I know honey, I know but look at the bright side eh? Your baby is finally coming."

"I wish he'd come already because I'm dieng."

She heard the door swing open before her husband came into view. He wasn't even totally dressed; only an Under Armour shirt, basketball shorts and a hat. Not one hundred percent a Colin outfit.

He came to her side immediately.

"Baby, are you okay? How are you feeling? I didn't miss anything did I?"

"No you're fine. Apparently I'm only two centimeters dilated." She grumbled.

"Two? You're not even halfway there..." she shot him a bit of a look before sighing.

"Don't remind me."

They spent the next few hours waiting. She only dilated about a centimeter and a half in that time and she was frustrated.

She resorted to laying on her side, trying to maybe get some sleep or something but she was too uncomfortable.

He looked up from his phone to her before leaning on the bed; their faces close.

"You're doing good baby."

"Four hours and only three and a half centimeters is a bit disappointing. " He grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers and kissing her knuckles.

"One step at a time." He murmured. A contraction hit and she squeezed her eyes shut. "Breathe..." she felt a hand rubbing her shoulder as the pain lasted for a little before it calmed. She took a deep breath before opening her eyes again.

"You know....I just wanted to tell you that I love you again because I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate you soon." He smirked.

He leaned up and kissed her head.

"Just as long as you don't throw anything, we'll be fine."



He's sat in the waiting room, in the corner, scrolling through his phone in boredom. Maybe he shouldn't be here but he just needs to know she's okay.

Some of their family has gathered in the waiting room, everyone chattering a bit animatedly about everything. Everyone seems to be excited about the baby's arrival.

He overhears a coversation between some of them; he's too far to see exactly who.

"I hope everything is okay..."

"It'll be fine. They've made it too far to have anything happen now."

"It's a bit scary though; what with the miscarriage and then this pregnancy being a bit shaky. She was just in the hospital about a month ago."

He had no idea she had a miscarriage before she got pregnant again. Didn't know how hard the pregnancy was. He had been caught up in trying to forget her.

It made him feel even more awful about hanging up on her a couple of weeks ago.

Liam came from getting coffee and sat next to him.

"Did you know that Ehm had a miscarriage?" He asked his best friend quietly.

"Yeah, she was pretty messed up about it for a while. It's a bit of a miracle she got pregnant again."



"Alright Morgan, you're at eight centimeters...two more to go." The nurse smiled before helping her lay normally again.

"Eight...okay." She was tired already; and irritated. How long had she been here?

The nurse left after adjusting her IV and leaving. She had ended up not even getting an epidural; too afraid of any consequences. Natural birth was a serious deal.

"How long have I been here?"

"Coming up on about eleven hours. It's about two in the morning."

The contractions were close to unbareable now. She stopped holding hands and started to clench her fists.

She didn't even notice the door had opened until she saw her sister-in-law come in.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm tired and I'm going to kill Colin soon." She grumbled, putting an arm over her eyes. Devon laughed.

"Is that the first threat?"

"Tenth, give or take a threat."

"Your brother sucks." She shot back weakly.

"How many centimeters?"


"Almost there, just a bit longer."

-4 a.m.-

"C'mon push....push...push." if she pushed any harder, her eyeballs would pop out.

"Oh God, oh God..."

"He's almost out, Morgan. Just a few more pushes."

She couldn't believe she was doing this. The pain was real but the situation wasn't.

She collapsed back and groaned a bit, trying to take a breath and get some rest.

"Alright push..."

"I can't." She whimpered.

"Baby, you've got this. You can do it. Come on." He helped her lean forward as she gave a serious big push.

And then, she heard it.

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