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Christmas was new and different for him because now he wasn't alone. He had Morgan. Their first Christmas as Mr.andMrs.Kaepernick.

He knew she wasn't use to it being so warm and normal at Christmas time so he had to make it as normal for her as possible.

"This is your first Christmas in California." He threw and arm around her shoulders as they walked into the store.

"Yes...the land of no snow." He smirked.

"It'll be great. You'll see. We can still have Christmas without snow. Did it always snow in Maryland?"

"Yes. One year everyone was stuck in their houses because it snowed sixteen inches and dropped to 4 degrees."


"Yeah." She smirked.

"Well, looks like I have to buy you snow." She laughed, shaking her head.

"No, you don't have to buy me snow. It's our first Christmas together, I'm sure I'll love it."

They arrived to the tree aisle, and looked around a bit. The apartment wasn't too big so they had to choose wisely.

"You know I didn't use to have artificial trees for christmas..."

"Not at all?" He didn't think he had ever gotten a real one to be honest.

"Nope. When I was a kid, my family, along with my aunt's and uncle's and a few of my cousins lived in a house with my grandparents. We would wait till a couple of days before christmas, and we would all go out and find a tree together. We would bring it back, set it up, and then we would decorate it and the rest of the house late at night. We would invite the rest of the family over on Christmas eve and have huge Christmas parties."

She smiled softly, looking to the trees around them.

"That sounds fun. What made you switch?"

"My grandparents started having problems and then the whole Christmas thing became non existent. The Christmas parties stopped happening and they got a fake tree. Then about two years later they got a divorce." Her smiled faded away and she bit her lip.

She had never told him her grandparents got a divorce. He had never really heard of grandparent getting divorces either.

"I'm sorry." She shook her head.

"Doesn't matter. I stopped looking for all of that a while ago. Now there's new traditions to make." They stopped in front of a stand. "I like this one."

It was a medium sized blue tree. Not too big, actually just right for the apartment.

"This one?"

"Yeah. It's cute. I mean, how many people have blue trees?"

"No one as far as I know."

"Well then, looks like we found our tree. And I know what colors to get for the decorations."

A/N: this was more of a filler chapter. Promise things will be better next chapter. : )

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