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"Why do you think they're doing this meeting?" Niall spoke up, looking up from his phone. He shrugged.

"Don't know. You know they drop these meetings on us out of nowhere." Management had called them all in to the L.A. location for a meeting. Why? He had no idea.

He scrolled aimlessly through his phone as he waited. What was taking them so long? He heard the door open but paid it no mind as he didn't care that it was probably the office assistant asking if they were okay again.

"Harry..." Niall whispered, nudging him.

"Hm?" Niall cleared his throat and Harry looked up to see Morgan. There, in the flesh, and damn did she look good.

"Ehm! Nice to see you yeah?" Liam stood and hugged her, the boys following along in succession except for him. He stayed exactly where he was. He didn't know what to do. Months of him sulking about her departure, and now that she was here he couldn't say or think a single word or thought.

She unleashed those eyes on him and smiled that smile. His stomach turned. She cut her hair. It was short and she had dyed it black and she was wearing that red lipstick that always got him. I love you. I love you. I love you. I need you. I miss you.

"Hi Harry."

"Um...Um hey Morgan. H-how are you?"

"I'm good, and you?"

"Good." Lies. I miss you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since you left. I want you back.

She sauntered over to the chair next to Zayn and sat down. He mussed her hair a bit and smirked.

"New Haircut. Walking around here like you're a badass." She pushed his hand away and smirked, fixing it again.

"I was bored, besides, you know I'm a badass anyway." They laughed.

He had to avoid staring at her. How long had he gone thinking about what he wanted to do if he'd ever see her again. Now here he was sitting like an idiot and trying not to blurt out everything he ever wanted to say.

The door opened and two guys from One Direction ' s management walked in as well as a guy with dark hair and green eyes. They all greeted eachother before sitting down and settling in.

"Gentlemen this is Mr.Cornwell, he is part of Morgan's management. The reason we're all here is we have decided to team up and do a joint to with One Direction and Morgan. She'll be the opening act for all of you."

"Seriously?" He blurted it out before he could stop himself and everyone turned to stare at him.

"Yes. Is there a problem Harry?"

"No...not at all." He sagged down in his seat. If they went on tour with Morgan He wouldn't be able to concentrate. He would probably die of an overdose of her. How was this going to work?

"As you all know this is a world tour. You'll start in Spain for the European leg of the tour. It'll be amazing. We've got all of our best people on this."

"Aren't you ecstatic?" Niall teased and he gave him a death glare before going back to listening to all of the plans. They would be on tour together, probably interviewing at the same time....God.

After the meeting and everyone said goodbye they all happened to be walking out at the same time. She was talking animatedly with Zayn about some kind of new music find. He loved the way her legs looked when she wore heels, and the fact that she was wearing tight jeans didn't help.

"Stare any harder and your eyeballs are going to fall out." Liam spoke and he blinked, coming back from his distraction.

"I wasn't staring."

"Sure. Why don't you just talk to her?"

"She hates me."

"She doesn't. Far from that actually."

"And you know, how?"

"I talk to her more than you think. Are you completely bypassing the fact that I introduced you two?" They stopped at the elevator and waited.

"No. Look Liam she...we haven't spoken since everything happened." The doors opened and everyone piled in, and Liam as well as the other guys purposely squished in so there was no more room. Leaving him and Morgan alone. The doors closed and they waited for the next one.

"Do you honestly think I hate you?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Wouldn't you?"

"No. Never hate. I think you put me in a position of being entirely too mean." She gave a small smile.

"We haven't spoken since the break up. I just figured you did."

"I said I was tired. I didn't say I hated you. I don't, and I realized that the reason it all had to happen was because of that."

"We could have worked it out." They walked into the elevator, the doors closing.

"No, we couldn't have. That would have made it all worse."

"And you dating some other guy while we were still seeing eachother didn't?"

"I wasn't dating him despite your belief. He asked me to go to dinner and I did. We were only friends. You, on the other hand managed to drag my name through the dirt like it was second nature to you."

"Drag your name through the dirt? When did I do that?"

"The first time you cheated. Publicly I might add."
Damn, there it was. He ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry. I should have never done that."

"I'm not here to reprimand you. We can be friends and get through this tour peacefully....if you want." She looked up at him and he smiled slightly but inside he was dieng. I don't want to be friends. I want you."

"Sure. That'd be-" her phone rang. She apologized quietly before answering it.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry, the meeting ran late." Baby? Must be her new boyfriend. Ew.

"Yeah I'm okay. I'll see you in a few." She listened for a moment.

"I love you too. Bye." Love? It's only been seven months!

"Love huh?"

"Please don't."

"No, I mean you love him right? You used to love me."

"Loving you got hard. I never said I stopped. The fact that you're bringing my relationship into this is ridiculous." The doors finally opened and she hurried out, him right behind her.

"Come back. We need to talk about this."

"Fuck you. I don't have to listen to you."

"But you listen to him don't you?"

"No. Unlike you, he doesn't feel the need to control me." She snapped, moving toward the doors.


"Leave me alone." She moved out into the big crowd and disappeared. He sighed before finally catching the eyes of all the boys. They were curious as to what was going on.

"What was all of that."

"Harry kicked himself in the ass again." Lou piped up and smirked before shaking his head.

He blew it. Again.

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now