Wedding day

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Him and the boys were on her side of the church, her family in front of them. They were waiting for everything to start when Someone tapped his shoulder.

"Harry?" He turned to see Sammie staring at him. "She said she wants to see you"

he furrowed his eyebrows before getting up and following her to a back room. She ushered him in before closing the door behind him. She looked heartbreakingly beautiful in her wedding dress.

It was a sweetheart neckline that was pure white and it flared out from mid stomach. There was a black satin belt around her waist with jewels on it. Her hair was half up and half down with her veil on it. Her makeup was perfect,nails perfect, dress perfect, she was perfect.

But her eyes looked terrified.

"What's wrong?you know the bride has to be there when a wedding takes place right?"

"I know I just.." She fiddled with her fingers.

"You just what?"

"I'm scared. How am I gonna be a good wife Harry?what if I'm awful at it?a good girlfriend maybe,a fiancé maybe..but not a wife.."

"You will be a good wife..why are you talking like this? You were so excited.."

"I am. Im just nervous. What if he doesn't like me?" He chuckled and she looked at him with sad eyes.

"You,you Ms.Allen are a fool if you think he doesn't like you. He loves you,and he's gonna go crazy when he sees you in this dress."

She sat down looking defeated,tears starting to form in her eyes. He walked over and crouched in front of her before grabbing her hands in his.

"He's a lucky guy. And he loves you,you know that. You have a way of doing that to people ya know. You should be happy,celebrating, getting's your wedding day. Don't cry;you deserve this. He makes you I'm happy" she looked at him.

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do,this is your day;it's everything you've dreamed about" she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug,both sitting there for a moment.

"I love you Harry,you'll always be my first love" he smiled sadly while still hugging her then kissed her cheek.

"Now wipe your tears,it's about time you got out there before they think you've run away.." He pulled back and smiled at her before standing up and walking to the door.

"Hey Ehm?" She turned and looked at him. "I love you too,you'll always be my first and only love" he smiled and then closed the door.



She was beautiful walking down the aisle to him, a smile on her lips as they caught eyes. He was in complete awe of her, her dress beautiful on her, everything beautiful and breathtaking. He didn't realize that he had gotten slightly emotional, eyes tearing as he looked down. In a few short minutes, this beautiful woman would be his wife, and he couldn't be anymore grateful. She was his, and he felt like shouting it at the world.



This was it, she was officially married. To someone that wasnt him. She looked so happy,so beautiful as they did their first official dance as husband and wife. And someone deep down he knew this was the right thing for her. But also next to that he knew it should have been him twirling her around for their friends and family; him smiling down at her glowing face; him putting the ring on her finger. It made him extremely sad. Him and her..never. All because he couldn't make up his mind, stupid.



His. She was his and only his. Mrs...Mrs..Mrs. She couldn't help but repeat it in her head as they danced.

"You look like you're a little out of it" he spoke gently to her and she looked up at him.

"Not at all..just happy..happy to be yours finally.."

"Months of planning.."

"I waited so long..and now I don't have to." He smiled big at her.

"I love you, you know that?"

"Are you getting soft on me Mr.Kaepernick?"

"Maybe a little.." He kissed her forehead and a small tremor went through her. She was his.

When the music blasted and everyone was out on the dance floor her and Colin ended up separating to dance with other people and she was having fun until she looked to the side to see..



Harry was sitting at the table by himself, champagne glass in hand as he stared down at the floor. She came up to him.

"Dance with the bride" she put her hand out when he looked up.

"I'm fine, have fun"

"I wanna dance with my best friend, come on" she grabbed him and towed him to the dance floor where they danced slowly to the beat.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For helping me out today.."

"It was nothing. Just being a good friend"

"I'm sorry" he looked down at her.

"For what?"

"For hurting you..."


"I shouldn't have hurt you back and I'm sorry"

"Ehm please.." She stared at him.

"It's your wedding night. Don't think about that,be happy"


He let go of her and leaned down to kiss her hand softly. He smiled before walking away as Colin came to steal her to dance again.



He had his big arms around her waist, her head pressed to his chest as his cologne brushed against her nose softly. Her arms were wrapped around him as much as she could get them to, holding onto him to make sure he didn't disappear. He was her man.

His chin was on top of her head as they rocked slowly back and fourth to the music.

"You're stuck with me forever Mrs.Kaepernick." he whispered and she smiled.

"Say it again"


"My new name.."

"Mrs. Colin Kaepernick."

"I could get use to that"

"It fits."

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