Without Us

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He's miserable.

He can't think.

Sure as hell can't sleep.

And he feels hallow.

It's an off week on football for him so he doesn't have anything to do, nor does he really want to have something at this point. He's alone, and there's only one thing that would make him feel better.


So he sits around all day in their hotel room, thinking about how much he just wants to be with her. Wishing he didn't get so upset about Harry's comments. Wishing he hadn't done what he did to her. He feels like an ass.

He needs his girl.


She's miserable.

Her head is pounding, her eyes are sore from crying and her appetite is gone. Nothing feels right in her old apartment and it's just odd.

Really odd.

And she misses him with everything in her body. She has to start over yet again and she feels ridiculous. Why can't she just be happy? Why does it always have to end up like this?

She's stared at her wedding dress for hours now. Wondering what to do with it. She has to call and cancel everything but she doesn't have the strength to do anything but lay around in his sweatshirt and sleep.

And she's alone again.


It had been four days since everything went down and he finally came to the conclusion. He was being an idiot. Ruining their life because he missed his chance. His stomach hurts because he's disgusted with himself for doing this. For hurting her yet again.

But he was going to fix it, he had to for her. He had Colin's number; it was just a matter of getting them both there.

"Hello?" He sounded sick.

"Colin, it's uh..it's Harry."

"What do you want?" His voice automatically turns hateful and he feels like an ass yet again.

"Look, I wanted to talk. About everything...you think you can just meet me at Jakes at 12? The resteraunt on 51st street?"

The line is quiet for a moment before he speaks again.


Now for the really hard part.

The phone rings three times before she finally answers.

"What do you want Harry?" Her voice is thick with unshed tears. A bit raspy from the ones she's already probably cried.

"To help."

"Haven't you done enough? Are you happy Harry? Me and Colin aren't together anymore, just like you wanted."

"No, I'm no happy. You're not happy and I don't like when you're upset. I don't just please...let me see you. I want to clear the air once and for all and if you don't want to see me ever again you don't have to."

And by some miracle he had gotten her to meet him at 12:30. When he got there it was only about five minutes later that Colin joined him.

He sat down across from him and stared.

"I'm here, what do you need to talk to me about?"

"Look, I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I love Morgan, I always have and always will and that's why I kept doing shitty things as an attempt to win her back. I've never met anyone like her and I'm too busy holding onto the old us instead of realizing the new you and her. But there isn't any of that anymore. You seem like a good guy from what I hear and you haven't given anyone a reason to not trust you. Which is why I wanna fix everything."

"How can you fix it? You've been doing this for months now. You didn't want us together and now you've got it."


They turned to find see Morgan. Her long hair falling over her shoulder and her makeup less eyes looking tired and a bit puffy.


"Sit down." She did as he asked. They couldn't keep their eyes off one another. It made him him a bit sad but he had to do this.

"You two are obviously in love with eachother. Colin, I've seen that look before; god knows I'd love to see it again but now she's giving it to someone else. It's a special look and any man who does get it is the luckiest in the world. You two belong together, and you both deserve eachother. Don't break up because of some asshole."

"I miss you..." he murmured and she smirked.

"I miss you too."

"I've been laying around thinking what the hell I'm going to do without you." He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. Suddenly he became an intruder.

"Will you marry me again?" She laughed.

"I'll have to think about it.."

"Oh really?" He smirked widely at her.

"Yeah, give me a sec...yes I will."

He smiled slightly before getting up.

"Harry, you're not gonna stay for lunch?"

"No, Im fine. Have fun you two." And then, he left.

And he was sad and glad that he did.

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now