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"I hate this.."

"I don't like it.."

"I look fat in this.."

"My boobs are falling out.."

She hated every dress she tried on. No matter what she did, she didn't feel right in any of them. She looked hard in a bunch of stores but never was it a dress that she thought she looked right in.

Until she went down to a store that no body really knew of.

It was a small shop, selling prom dresses and and a few wedding dresses in the small corner. It was worth a try considering all of the high end shops had nothing to offer her.

So she tried on a couple, and the last one she put on was he last straw for her.

"I'm never going to find the right one." She sat down in a fluffy white one that looked like a princess' nightmare. Her hands ran over her face a bit. She was starting to get a headache. Her bridesmaids were all sitting in the consultation room.

"Honey calm down okay? We'll find one.." El was trying to calm her down but she felt like she was going to burst from all the anxiety going on.

"We're not, I've literally tried on a hundred dresses but I haven't felt right in any of them.." She was terrified.

She had to find her dress, her wedding depended on it.

"Excuse me?" The small woman came into the slightly small dressing room they were in.


"Try this one eh? Handmade dress from Italy. Only one of its kind."

When she was helped into it; she ultimately felt it. This was it.

And it proved her thoughts when she walked out and saw everyone's faces.

"Morgan, it's beautiful..." She stepped up on the pedestal and turned for a second before looking at herself.

They had put a veil on her, pinning her hair up so she could get the full effect, it fit perfectly,it was everything she could ever dream of.

"It's beautiful.." She started to get teary eyed.

"Aw honey, do you like it? Are you happy?" El asked. She nodded quickly, trying to wipe her cheeks.

"It's everything I've ever dreamed about. I love it." She was getting married.


"Never did I think Kaep of all people would be getting married." Michael laughed; shaking his head as they all got fitted for tux's.

"Why is it such a surprise to you?" He looked up to see his brother as well as a few of his other groomsmen smirking.

"So there's more of you who had doubts?"

"C'mon man, you can't blame us for thinking that way. You were so caught up on that one girl, what was her name? Tamia? No one would have thought you would have ended up finding someone else."

Him and Tamia didn't work out because she was really insecure. He was tired of having to talk her down from her jealous rampages. He did love her at the time but this was different.

"Tamia was two years ago." He mumbled.

"And you met Morgan how long ago?"

"A year. Fastest proposal out there." Anquan laughed.

"Does it matter? This is the girl I want to spend my life with, she makes me happy. That's all there is to it."

"What about this Ex she's always around? What's that all about?"

"Work. That's it. He still wants her but I don't care. She's mine."

He turned on his pedastal so they could measure his back and what not. He hadn't thought about Harry since the night of the charity benefit. She didn't want it to effect them so it didn't. That's it. Besides it was only a month and a half until the wedding. After that he didn't matter anyway.

"She is young though...you sure she's cut out for all of the stuff that comes with football and what not?"

"She's 23, besides, she acts older than she is. She's three years younger than me, it's not much of a difference. As far as the football stuff...well I don't know."

"The girls, the parties, all the groupies, the cameras..." Michael spoke up.

"She's a singer. She knows about the cameras and the groupies and the parties. I'm telling you, you'll understand why she's the one when you meet her. She's coming to the game on sunday."

"I think you're doing great kid. I'm happy for you." His brother stepped down and clasped his back before going into one of the dressing rooms.

"You'll see man. You'll see..."

Between Us(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now