Worried Wellness

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For some reason he wakes up way too early. He has no idea if it's just him or it's the new house.

When he turns over though, Morgan isn't in the spot she usually is. He sits up, rubbing his eyes before looking around. The room is a bit dark and so is the sky outside. He looks to the clock and it's only about 2 in the morning.

He notices the slight gleam of the bathroom light through the door opening and gets up, going to push it open.

She's crouched by the toilet, breathing a bit heavy and her head is in her hands.

"Hey, what happened?" He crouched next to her.

"I got sick. I felt a bit dizzy so I sat down." He felt her forehead and she was a bit warm.

"Do you still feel dizzy?" She nodded slowly.

"How does your stomach feel?"

"The baby is moving around a lot. It hurts a bit."

"Alright, I think I'm going to call the ambulance."


"Well Mrs.Kaepernick, the baby was in a bit of distress. We suspect it's due to some stress. You did say you just moved?"


"Well that could be it. That and the mere thought of a baby coming into the world in a few short months is enough stress alone. Whether it was in the for - front of your mind or subconsciously; it can still stress you out." He wrote something on the clipboard at the end of her bed.

"We'll keep you tonight for some further observation and depending on that, you might be able to go home tomorrow morning." He smiled before leaving.

"Stress huh?" He looked up at her tired face.

"Apparently." She huffs.

"Well at least we know what's going on..."

"I have to call my mom...tell her I'm okay."

"I'll do it...just relax okay?"


They were home now and he made her lay in bed. She was ordered to bed rest and no stress for the next three weeks before she had to go to the doctor for one of the last ultrasounds she had before the baby came.

They knew it would be a bit complicated because of what happened before; but that didn't mean it made them less anxious.

"Do I really have to stay in bed? I should be helping you get ready to leave..." she pouted as he settled the blanket over her.

"I'm a grown man, I can pack my own bag. The bus doesn't leave until about two hours from now so I'm good. And yes...you do have to stay in bed." He kissed her head.

He hurried to get his things together and he called his sister to come over and look after Morgan until Sammie got there.

"Be careful? I don't want to hear about you getting hurt before the baby comes." He leaned on the bed next to her.

"I will. I promise." He kissed her for a moment before pulling away.

He lifted her shirt up a bit before leaning down to kiss her stomach.

"Behave while I'm gone. No more making mommy sick." He murmured, feeling the baby move a bit.

"I think he's agreeing."



As soon as he gets off stage he's met with his phone ringing.


"Harry..." He recognized her right away, even with all the noise around him.


"How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure? I can hear all the noise...how was the show?"

"It was great." He didn't know what to say. He hadn't talked to her much, didn't know if he wanted to either. "What does it matter to you?"

He heard her breath catch a bit.

"I just wanted to talk to you. Catch up..." He scoffed. "What is your problem? Why are you acting like this?"

"It doesn't matter, listen I have to go. I guess I'll see you around."

"Harr-" He hung up.

The sooner he stops thinking about her, the sooner he can forget about what they are.



"Are you okay?"

Sammie has crashed on the couch in their bedroom from her long flight. It's a little over an hour before the game and he's called her. Which is a bit unusual but she doesn't mind.

"I'm okay, just miss you is all."

"I miss you too. How's the baby?"

"Fine. He's still moving around a bunch but everything is okay." She reassured.

"I'm sorry I'm not there..."

"You have to do what you have to do...even if we do have a baby on the way."

"That sounded a little sarcastic..."

"No, not at all..."

"What's going on with you?"

"I just feel like you're treating me like this porcelain doll that shouldn't be touched. I move from London all the way to LA to be with you and it feels like I'm being put to a far second after football..."

That's not true.

"I wanna make sure my wife and my unborn child are okay. And besides, I never said anything when you put me to a far second."

"When have I put you to a far second? You've always been my first priority."

"Oh please, you've put me in a far second for a while. How many times did you call off dates with me to hang out with Harry? Or what about our wedding day when you called him back into your dressing room forever? You even danced with him at our reception, I've always been in a far second since the day we met."

"If you've been second the whole time then why did I marry you?"

"Because I was the reasonable choice to make Harry jealous. You married me because I was the rebound."

"Fine, then why don't you not come home longer than your trip to see how it feels to be alone huh?"

Stop. Stop.

"I'd be glad to." He seethed before the line went dead.

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