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-the next morning-

He woke up with a small hangover, but nothing as bad as he thought it would be.

He was sort of wrapped around Morgan, her back to him. She was breathing deeply, his head leaned against hers and his hand cradling her stomach.

He remembered everything last night surprisingly, though some events he'd very much like to forget. He looked to the clock and saw it was only about nine in the morning, so they had another hour or so before Knox woke up.

He went to pull away but she held onto his hand.

"Stay...sleep." she grumbled and he kissed her shoulder, sitting still.

"I'm not tired." He smirked.

"You should be. You got home so late..."

"I know. Sorry." He felt the baby flutter against his hand and he smirked.

"Someone is awake."

"Because of you...they like the sound of your voice."

"What do you think it is?"

"Has to be a girl...I got sick three times yesterday while you were gone. Drama is understatement. Sammie thought I was dieng."

"Sammie? Sammie's in town?"

"Yeah. She's got a new boyfriend and apparently they're moving in together."

"Sammie? As in your best friend Sammie?"

"Yeah...which reminds me we're going out to lunch to meet him this afternoon."

He rolled to his back and groaned.


"Yes, this is important to her so we have to go." She sat up, holding the blankets to her chest.

"Yes but do I have to go? My head is killing me."

"Right...of course it is." She got out of bed carefully, walking into the bathroom naked.

He sighed, getting up and throwing some shorts on before walking in after her. She was in the shower now and he could see her figure through the see through door as he brushed his teeth.

"Can we talk about this?"

"Talk about what, Colin? If you don't want to go, I'm not forcing you to."

"But you're making me feel bad." He groaned.

"I'm not doing anything. Don't go, you don't have to." The shower shut off and she grabbed her towel, wrapping it around herself before stepping out.

She walked to the side of him to brush her teeth; all the while avoiding eye contact. They brushed their teeth in silence next to one another before she finished and sighed.

"Did you have fun last night?" She spoke up and he nodded slowly.

"Yes, a lot of fun."

"Good, I'm glad. You broke a vase when you came in, I think we should clean it up before the monster wakes up."

"I'll clean it up. Thank you for taking care of me last night." She smiled softly.

"Till death do us part remember?" She kissed his shoulder before leaving out the bathroom.

After he cleaned up the glass he plugged up his dead phone. There were some notifications, twitter and what not really except for a single text that stuck out the most.


Had a good time last night...we should really hang out again sometime : )

Alyssa. The girl from the club last night. He didn't know she had put her number in his phone. What else had she done?

"Babe? Can you come here for a sec?" He jumped a bit when Morgan spoke up. He hurried to get rid of the text before getting up and going to her closet.

She was wearing a long sleeve, black dress that fell to just above her knees. Her hair fell wavy around her makeup - less face as she pursed her lips.

"What's wrong?"

"Does this look bad?"

"No, you look great."

"Really? Not too short? It use to fall halfway down my calf but with my stomach..."

"Really babe, it looks good." She looked to him and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you okay? You look like something is on your mind."

"No, I'm good. I thought you said you were going to lunch later?"

"I am, but I promised Knox I'd take him to the bookstore." She sat in the chair by her mirror and put on her boots.


"Good morniiiiiinngg!" A small voice yelled and he heard feet run across the floor before something tackled his leg. He looked down to see Knox smirking at him.

"Morning...how long have you been up?"

"I don't know, I got myself dressed Daddy! See?" He let go of his leg and put his arms out.

He had on his dark blue jeans, a red shirt and his green flight jacket, without shoes.

"Nice job bud, but where are your shoes hm?" He looked down then back up and smiled.

"I don't know."

"Well I guess you better find them because mommy and the baby might leave you." His eyes widened before he turned to Morgan.

"You and the baby leaving without me mommy?"

"Yup, you better hurry." She teased and he hurried to run out.

He returned only a minute later with his shoes on, but they were on the wrong feet. He chuckled, swooping down to pick his son up and take him out to the bedroom, sitting him on the bed.

"Good job, but wrong feet." He took the converse off of his small feet and put them on right.

"Did you brush your teeth?"


"Good. Here let me help you down." He put him down and ruffled his hair just as Morgan came out of the closet.

"All ready to go?"

"Yes." He smiled big and grabbed her hand.

"Be careful." He leaned down to kiss her lips once.

"Okay, we will."



e couldn't sit around for long. Something was nagging at his mind and he had to call someone to answer his questions.

"Colin! I'm surprised you're even up with the night you had." Antwan chuckled.

"Listen, I need your help. Last night...what did I do?"

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