Mad... (Kinda)

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"He just hung up on me..."

"What in the hell prompted you to get in a fight with Colin while I was sleeping?"

"Shut the hell up." She clicked her phone off and folded her arms.

"What did you do?" Sammie came to the end of the bed.

"What did I do? Are you serious? Why would it be something that I did? Colin's just perfect isn't he?!" She got up, as fast as she possibly could with the giant bolder that was her stomach. Her hands hurried to get off the giant sweatshirt of his she was wearing.

"No...look just calm down alright? You just got out of the hospital this morning. I'd be a bad babysitter if I saw you go back."

"No. No....he gets on my last nerve. If he was here I'd probably throw something at him. I can't believe..." she trailed off, shutting her mouth and taking a deep breath.

Why was she so angry? She started it. She really had no right to be wrong. She was the ass.

After pulling on some new night clothes she had resulted to realizing she was an ass and feeling even worse about it. She was awful. She sucked.

The baby was kicking her, almost like he was telling her she needed to make nice but she couldn't. At least not now.

A few hours later she was watching his game and boy was it serious. Lots of tackling and great passes and what not. She still thought he was great looking and still liked the way he moved on the field and that irritated her even more.

I'm just having a coniption fit for no reason today huh? This hormonal imbalance is really something...

"You're going to call him after he gets off the field aren't you?" Sammie countered.

"No." She muttered stubbornly and her best friend giggled.

"Yes you are. Send him a boob pic while you're at it. You know, sugar coating..."

"Get out of my bed and go to your room."

Well the guest room....which probably will end up being her room because she never not visits when she gets the chance.

"You're sending me to my room? Really?"

"I'm practicing for the baby. Now go you weirdo."


She's tossing and turning in bed.

Almost like being irritated is adding to the fact that she can't get comfortable to save her life. Their baby is probably cursing her internally and she groans. She managed to fall asleep earlier but it's only been about an hour and she's woken up and started crying a bit.

She knows it's probably really late but she turns on her phone and stares at the screen.

To call...or not to call...? That is the question.

The baby kicks, almost as if he's prompting her again.

"Alright, alright; I'm calling." She mumbled.

Only two rings went before he picked up.


"I'm an ass." The line is quiet for a moment.

"You are." He agreed.

"I didn't mean anything I said. Though it's perfectly reasonable that you are pissed at me. I suck at apologies but I'm willing to apologize to you because I love you. You're one of the people that I've been able to depend on since day one. You make me feel protected and safe and I'm glad you're my husband.

"I'm sorry that I made you feel like you're being put to a far second. I never mean to do that because you mean the world to me. Harry was a past thing...I know I've said this before but I mean it. I guess I'll always have love for him because we've been through a lot together. But me and you have too and we've got this weird thing going on where I'm endlessly infatuated with you and by some miracle you are with me too. Which makes me feel warm inside and a bit giddy.

"I know it's really late, and you're tired because after that game, who wouldn't be? But, I needed to call you to rant and tell you that you mean much more to me than I probably let on. Sorry about that too. You're my husband and the father to my kid and I appreciate every single thing you do."

She takes a deep breath before huffing a bit. Her chest feels less tight and she actually feels like she can sleep now. She's awful at telling people one hundred percent how she feels and it's an issue she needs to work on. But she shouldn't be that way when it came to him. Not when he's been very considerate of her feelings since the beginning.

"You...are sappy." She frowned a bit. "You love me, isn't that nice?" He hummed and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't mind when you call me and rant. I liked your speech and I love you. You realize we almost never fight?"

She thought for a moment. "We don'"

"Maybe it was time." He mutters deeply, his voice is slow and it's making her sleepy. "I love you, and I accept your apology. It's nice to know how you're really feeling from time to time; you weirdo."

She smiled, laying down again and relaxing into the blankets in his side because it smells of him. Maybe she is a weirdo but she's incredibly comfortable.

"Go to sleep." She admonishes, hearing his sleepy chuckle.

"Alright...and baby?"


"I like that you're infatuated with's cute."

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