Chapter 1: Telling the parents

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Leah's POV

I'm so stressed! I sighed deep, laying onto my bed, waiting for Cam to finally show up. She was late again...

I got up, and walked to the window, looking outside. That's when I saw her, running towards here. When she saw me looking at her from the window, she showed a stupid smile and hurried up to my room.

When she entered, I turned around, looking at her. I was pissed of, she's never in time, but today was an important day. "Why are you late again?" I asked, my arms crossed.

Cam sighed and sat down onto my bed. "Don't be mad at me, babe." she said pulling me onto her lap. "Just chill." she said, kissing my cheek.

I huffed, trying to get out of her grip. 

"Don't get away from me." she whispered in my ear, kissing below my ear. She knew I loved that spot. Quickly enough I smiled and let her kiss me.

"See, that's not to hard, is it?" she asked, making me look at her.


She smiled. "Forgiving me."

I rolled my eyes and got up. "We have to get ready."

"What for?"

I stood there, mouth wide open. "Really? You're really asking me that?!"

Cam stood up and hugged me quickly, she knew she said something stupid. "Alright, alright." she said, kissing my cheek. "I'm sorry, I know it's an important day."

I pulled back and looked at her. "I'm just so nervous."

"Don't be." she said, pulling off her jacket.

I tilted my head to the side. "Why not?"

Cam turned around and smirked. "Because they want us together."

I sighed and looked down.

Cam came back to me and held me, she started moving with me in her hands and that's when I realized there was music playing and we were dancing together. I must have been really deep in thoughts to not have noticed that.

We danced for awhile until my mom called us for dinner.

I breathed deep in and out.

"Calm down, everything will be alright." she said, taking my hand in hers.

We walked downstairs, still hand in hand. Our parents have seen us holding hands since we were little kids, they won't question that. "I'll try."

We arrived at the table and sat down. Cam sat next to me, in front of her parents. While my parents were both sitting at the edge of the table, facing each other.

Dinner went great, we were eating and talking. Mine and Cam's parents have been best friends since as long as I can remember. So Cam and I grew up together, we've been through so much together and now we're dating for almost two years and so we decided to tell our parents. We weren't really in the closet but also not really open... If that makes sense...

Anyway, during dinner, I felt a nudge and looked at Cam, who was looking at me.

"Are you two alright?" Cam's mom asked me and Cam.

Right now we were all quiet and the whole table was watching us. "Uhm... Yeah, we're fine." I said and showed a polite smile.

Cam cleared her throat. "Actually there's something we'd like to talk to you all about."

Our parents looked from me to her and back to me. "Sure honey, you can tell us." Cam's dad said.

Cam took my hand in hers and smiled at me, to which I smiled as well. It was a nice gesture. "Leah and me have been so close since forever." she started to which our parents nodded in agreement. "We're both good looking, both interested in girls..." she said, winking at me. I nudged her, she was so impossible sometimes. "So it's not going to be a surprise to you that we found love in each other."

I looked at her, how could she have said that, like that?

"Leah," mom said, making me look at her. "Is that true?"

I nodded. "Yes, we've been together for almost two years now. We wanted to be honest with you all, I hope you can understand that."

Our parents looked at us and afterwards at each other, smiling big. "Finally!" my dad said, smiling big.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"We've been waiting for so long for you two to tell us." Cam's dad said, smiling big.

"Wait, you've known?" Cam asked, also confused.

They all nodded.

"For how long?" Cam asked.

"We knew you two would end up together, we've seen you two when you were little. And when you told us you two were gay... We kinda hoped you two would get together." my mom said to which they all nodded.

Cam laughed a little and hugged me. "We're alright, Leah, I told you so."

I smiled and hugged her. "Yeah, you were right, again."


After dinner Cam came back to my room, she was spending the night and so were her parents. We had a spare room in the house, just for them. It's the same in Cam's house. That just shows how close our families were...

I sighed and let myself fall back onto my bed, I was really happy now.

Cam came to lay next to me, she pulled me closer to her. "You're happy, aren't you?"

I nodded, hugging her even tighter. "Thanks to you." I said, getting up and kissing her afterwards I went to lay down again. "You were right."

"I'm always right, remember that." she said, laughing.

I nudged her. "Don't be such a brag queen."

She kept laughing.

I looked at her and got on top of her, tickling her. "Stop laughing, Cam."

Cam laughed harder and hard, trying to get me to stop.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked as I looked at her reddening face. "It seems as if you have a problem..."

She finally pushed me of her and got on top of me. She pinned my arms above my head and looked at me. "You..." she said, still trying to get her breathing back to normal. "I'll show you what tickling really is." she said and started tickling me too.

"Cam! No!" I shouted, laughing hard.

Cam laughed too, she was so much more better at making me laugh from tickling. You know why? Because I'm very ticklish, and she knew that, and she used that to her advantage.

"Stop!" I shouted, trying to push her of.

Finally after 5 more minutes of pure torture, she pinned my arms above my head again. "I told you I would show you." she said which her usual smirk.

I looked at her, trying to breathe normal.

She smiled and leaned in and kissed me.


So, this is the story of my new book 'You're Mine'. I hope you'll enjoy this one as well :)

- LxT4ever

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